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14 yrs ago
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It's HUGELY important for couples to deal with differences in Libido
This forum gets a huge amount of "my husband slept with a whore" or "my husband cheated" complaints .... most of which can be traced back to the fact that he's not getting enough sex at home.
People start a relationship with the best of intentions, habits and desires change and when one party is starving the other sexually, its a recipe for disaster.
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I think there was a survey studying how likely would cheap based on when they last had sex.
There were a couple of condition;
the woman was extremely sexy
and the other condition was that no one would find out.
80% of men had no had sex more than 3-4 days said they would cheat.
The more recently men had sex the least likely they were to cheap. don't keep a gun loaded.
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Fenix > good post; It's important someone speaks up because so few women understand this - they seem to think they can withhold sex with no repercussions. And when their man goes elsewhere looking for relief, they are hurt and surprised. Well DUH !
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It's ridiculous that any woman would actually "withhold" sex from her bf/husband and also expect him not to 'cheat' (I wouldn't call it cheating, he's not sleeping with her anyway which means it's not a sexual relationship). If they are actually "witholding" sex from the guy for whatever reason, then there is probably something WRONG with the guy if he DOESN'T cheat, I would be questioning his manhood. Amazing that any woman would actually do this and be surprised when he cheats, it's like pouring boiling water on yourself and being surprised that it's hot.
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Gaz > this forum is full of such cases. Sadly, you only hear the woman's side of the story , which normally goes something lilke "my husband slept with a prostitute" or "my husband has been banging his girl Friday" "he destroyed our marriage"... etc.
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Man, have I read a book that deals with just this problem. I think even in the book I read it said that its not wise for a woman to withhold sex and use it as a bargaining tool.
Sadly, a lot of women, when emotionally upset about something are incapable of letting the emotional issue take a back seat and let the physical do the driving. Apparently the best time to talk a problem over, assuming you have had a big fight, is after sex...not at the time of the argument taking place, coz lets face it, some people can't keep their trap shut and end up saying all sorts of shizz they regret for years to come.
Still, your wife being upset and if you notice she is withholding sex, it would probably do you some good to try to get her to talk that shizz out before years roll by! I don't think its OK for a man to go a week without the punani and say it was his license to ill. That said, back to what CaptDave said, women shouldn't be surprised if they find their husband heading for a happy ending massage parlour if they haven't put out in months!
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who says entitled... this is not a competition as to who can cheat without getting caught
You are absolutely right to be angry, how bloody disgusting that men are like that....
is it right? or wrong? does that matter...? It is like you own a dairy cow, you have to milk it daily... Even if you are pregnant, or you are ill or what ever.... Having a penis is a liability. You get involved with a man you better understand that .
I would say that 75% of men cheat once every few years. We all go through phases and sometimes for some of that 75% they are at a phase either they are just being very successful or things aresh*t at home and they just want to bang anything that moves, and do so.
Anyway giving a handjob is not rocket science or takes a hour of work, just a smile and a little bit of friction all to adverts a bit of unfaithfulness.
The happy ending massage is the lowest form of cheating in your typically failed marriage....
50% of marraiges en in divorce because people have not sorted themselves out emotionally before getting married, they didn't have enough partners and sex partners, they have sexual hang ups, depression sets in, sex stops. 50% couples from 44-to 59 years have sex only once a year together according to the HK standard... Prostitutes will exist for ever.
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Sorry WonTonNom, you’re making a display of hypocrisy - pointing out that women cheat, and then condemning men for cheating. Or are you suggesting that there are valid reasons for having sex outside marriage, but that a lack of sex in the marriage is not one of them ?
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In my belief, I don't think men cheat just because of penis thing, if so, they should simply go for prostitues without any liability.
The truth is if there is no "gap" between a couple, I mean they love each other very much and totally devote into their relationship, there will be no cheating/affair. Maybe I am too shallow/naive to make such conclusion.
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cheating is so much cheaper than a divorce :P
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