Once a cheater, forever a cheater?

Posted by mike204 14 yrs ago
It really depends on the character of the person and circumstances that led him to cheat.

There are serial cheaters (those don't stop until they can no longer cheat) and there are those that cheat once or twice then stop because there is no need nor desire to do so anymore. Some men feel so guilty and disgusted with themselves for hurting the person they love and would not cheat again if they can help it, but there are also those who are only sorry for getting caught. Which kind is your man?

Btw, the worst thing isn't going to a prostitute, it's 100x worse if its an affair where he actually feels something for the other woman. Man + prostitute = business deal, nothing more.

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dingoberry 14 yrs ago
No don't trust him. Once they done prostitute, they will plan to do it again.

Just like going to a casino, once they went, they get addicted.

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tigerbay 14 yrs ago
@Mike204 has hit the nail on the head.

All this 'once they done it' and 'addict' nonsense really is not helpful. Why? because it is a long way from the truth.

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badnstupid 14 yrs ago
We shouldn't generalise "once a cheater, forever a cheater" as it really depends on a couple of factors as mike204 said.

However, can we simply say that once one tried a new thing, he/she will have the intention/desire to try it again?

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tigerbay 14 yrs ago
There are many things in life that I tried, and found that they weren't for me.

No desire to go there again.

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CaptDave 14 yrs ago
Motive + Opportunity. You need to find out his motive.

Perhaps he has a mania for sexual conquest; If so, then he's going to keep doing it. The kind of man who has something to prove, some kind of chip on his shoulder - such a man will never stop.

However, the majority of men cheat only when their needs are not being met. That's the #1 motive. Ask yourself if you are meeting his needs ? They typical victim of cheating is the wife who gains 20 pounds, ignores her husband, and then wonders why he goes elsewhere.

No matter what the reason - If you're not even married and he's already had to go elsewhere for satisfaction, I would suggest there is little hope for you as a couple.

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spurtio 14 yrs ago
If he is dating you (in agood relationship) and cheats, then he will be forever a cheater.

If you had a relationship that went stale, then may be he is just filling a gap.

You will know which applies.

Good luck

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BigCyndi 14 yrs ago
Poeple will always find a way to justify what they did to lessen their guilty feeling and it is always other people's fault that they did what they did... not many people can actually admit that what they have done is wrong. Another explanation could be because we have different sets of values and moral standard, monogamy for some is everything but for others could be nothing. The key to avoid this kind of heartbreak is to let your other half know your values early on the relationship, what your expectation are with regards to the trust issue and etc. Personally i will just walk away without looking back once the trust is broken, it is not an issue of whether the guy will be cheating again or not, it is the feeling that I can't trust this guy again, why subject myself to keep thinking "will he do it again, when will he do it again"...that is just so tiring.

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badnstupid 14 yrs ago
Agreed to not many people are brave enough to admit what they did is wrong.

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cookie09 14 yrs ago
guys, dont feed the troll

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jasmine525 13 yrs ago
Hong Kong city is restless,too much temptation,men do not feel guilty to cheat.he might feel not macho enough if he does not do so.

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CaptDave 13 yrs ago
Jasmine, if a man is satisfied at home, he's unlikely to cheat. True some are compulsive, like alcoholics, they cannot stop themselves, but this is rare.

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bing2 13 yrs ago
i dont know about this one but if he was satisfied and he still cheated, he may just not that into you.

i would not cheat to someone who i am in love with or who i am into a lot, under any circumstances.

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My Hong Kong 13 yrs ago
People cheat either because some areas in their relationship are neglected (lack of sex, not enough affection, shouting at each other, not adoring each other anymore) OR an opportunity arises and they feel...oh...why not? The second option has nothing much to do with their partner, and the cheating is more about their own sense of curiousity and adventure. On top of that, it depends on your cultural context. If your friends and colleagues cheat...you almost feel that it's alright to do it. However, if you are surrounded by people that fill in their lives in other interests and activities...you are less likely to cheat. So all in all, there are lots of reasons for cheating and if it happens to you...be practical about it (after the initial shock subsides) and choose what you want to do next. Live with is...or walk away and look for a new partner. It's easier said than done (because of the emotional attachment), but the only way to progress yourself from one relationship to the next is by deciding that you are going to do it.

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My Hong Kong 13 yrs ago
Hey w.k.trash...you nailed it. I am a catholic and a homo and My Hong Kong. 3 out of 3. Nice one dude.

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