Why there are always guys cheating here around

Posted by CSZ 14 yrs ago
I really don't know why there're so many guys cheating. Some guys cheats girls that they have close gf already. And they're still looking for other girl. I hate the feeling of cheating. It really hurts.

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Justin Credible (Part Deux) 14 yrs ago
Guys get cheated on too, but they don't usually come onto a forum like this and have a sook about it.

You hear stories of a guys wife running off with his best friend and then proceeding to live in the same neighborhood and plan to divorce and take him for all she can.

You hear stories about a guy who's wife runs off with the two kids to a country with no treaties to protect fathers.

You hear stories of guys who's gfs end up throwing irons and lamps at them that need stitches on the head.

But you wont see them posting on AX about it because most of them would rather deal with the humiliation in private, manly man style. Men are problem solvers, they figure out how to solve their own shizz.

Women are more into sharing their problems and stuff, which is why most of the posts here are from women who have been cheated on and are asking the age old question: What should I do? When really, the ought DTMFA pronto.

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dingoberry 14 yrs ago
Well girls are more easier to believe a guy...

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Syed_Scorpio 14 yrs ago
and what does that mean dingo ?

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My Hong Kong 14 yrs ago

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CaptDave 14 yrs ago
"girls are easier to believe" is a nice way of saying women are better liars than men.

To quote from the link : "research has shown that "neglect" is the operative word in MOST cheating situations" There are always exceptions, but I think that's true both for cheating men and women.

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songyu 14 yrs ago
edison chen is also easier to "believe" heh heh heh ...

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CaptDave 14 yrs ago
@Andriani, you wrote : majority of abuse relationship is coming from male

This is one of those tired old lies trotted out by misandrists. Are you able to provide some evidence to substantiate this ?

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Justin Credible (Part Deux) 13 yrs ago

Thanks for that word, CaptDave. Its the first time I have read it or heard of it, and although its easy to figure out what it means once you break it down, its an awesome word that I hope to chuck in a conversation one day in the future!

This is why I like coming on these forums, from time to time, you really do get some interesting stuff said on here.

And andriani, I hate to say this, but for most men, being manly does mean you dont air your dirty laundry in public unless you have tried and failed to solve the problem on your own and dont have friends who can give you decent advice.

That said, the world is full of women (and men) who like to whinge about things, get sympathy, and then do FA with the advice they get and choose instead to remain passive self-abusers instead.

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CaptDave 13 yrs ago

It is a widely held assumption that women are always the victims and men are always the perpetrators of abuse.

It's simply not true.

Here is why this wrong impression is so common -

Firstly, Men tend not to report - e.g. for reasons of shame. Versus, women are now more organized, supportive and outspoken about the epidemic of domestic abuse and violence against women.

Secondly, most academic studies have focused on the abuse of women. Very little attention has been paid to the issue of domestic abuse and violence against men - especially because violence against women has been so obvious and was ignored for so long.

Thirdly, militant feminists find is useful to perpetuate this.

If you don’t believe me, google "battered men", or "domestic violence against men" you will be surprised what you find.

Abuse - whether by man or woman - is unforgivable. A relationship is supposed to bring love and support, not fear and abuse. I would encourage anyone in abusive relationship to pack his or her bags, and walk out.

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Justin Credible (Part Deux) 13 yrs ago
Equal in any way, true...but women need to know the consequences of such equality. I recall a posting a while back where the poster was a woman who was complaining that her bf hit her, but it later came out it was in retaliation against her hitting him quite a number of times.

Another guy I know, as I mentioned, has a gf (now his wife) who throws heavy objects at him when she is mad...he required 12 stitches after an iron hit him in the head...pshhh...nuts!

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Justin Credible (Part Deux) 13 yrs ago
there is no "if" in that, men simply cannot get pregnant, so its a bizarre analogy to use.

I think in response to your first question though - i believe that is exactly what CaptDave is talking about.

In reality, the majority of battered women never report the crime and tend to stay with their abusers, the same could also be witnessed with men in the same position.

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stefania gutierrez 13 yrs ago
To cheat is simply disrespectful and low !

If u did it ,u are a low level human being ,if u feel it's over: say good bye ! But don't hurt someone just because u are jerk by nature ! Woman can cheat too but we don't jump to do it because even what we have sucks there is self respect and kids to look after ! I mean that usually should be but after all everyone is free to live as they want right ? Peace and love !

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ste94072 13 yrs ago
again ... a topic about issue that's as old as time :)

relationship is mutual thing.

if one party is not contribute to other..other might as well compelled to step out from this relationship.

men or women alike.

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rdnmunoz 13 yrs ago
Nice conversation but you can easily get the answer Why there are guys cheating'... its simply because of you girls' you're too easy to get in, a little bit care, affection, show gentleness, gifts, and sometimes even just a single look, and it will unlock everything inside. so who's to blame??

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rob378 13 yrs ago
And lets not forget that there are many types of abuse. Studies and statistics of domestic abuse nearly always focus on physical assualt, yet there is very little focus on continuous verbal/psychological abuse.

This is not to say that violence is an acceptable response to verbal abuse, however without verbal provacation i'm sure there would be less domestic violence.

In anycase, as Capt Dave summed up, pack your bags and leave if you face any kind of abuse in a relationship.. verbal or physical.

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Justin Credible (Part Deux) 13 yrs ago
100% agree with rob, pack your bags if there is any sign of abuse, verbal or physical, coz if you stay, you end up becoming someone even you wont recognize...its not healthy at all to subject the self to.

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