What will you do if you were me ?

Posted by My Hong Kong 12 yrs ago
Is he your boyfriend?

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MJ1 12 yrs ago
he sounds insecure and kinda scary...

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Beermoney 12 yrs ago
I am not sure where the person is coming from or what the question is but I know for a fact that the words have been copied from the net. If you Google the text you will get lots of hits from scammers.com, loveletters.com and so on.

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gaz_hayes 12 yrs ago
Hahahaha it's a scam....

You aren't that special, sorry.

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Syed_Scorpio 12 yrs ago
pure flattery

doubt that the writer is sincere and sure that it is next to impossible to find any HK girl who deserve these flattering words..

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Syed_Scorpio 12 yrs ago
so why just haggle for the tifanny lucida ring?

why not settle for whatever the boy can afford ?

your eyes blink blink with the glitter of gold ~~

it is all material in and out..

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CaptDave 12 yrs ago
Actions speak louder than words. Pay attention to what men do, not what they say.

In all likelihood this guy has a crush on you, but that is not a marriage proposal. The relationship has to develop.

There is a remote possibility that he's just "hoping to get into your pants" and this is his way; i.e. whisper sweet messages until the girl's heart melts, then he can have his way with her. Cruel, yes, but some jerks do that.

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CaptDave 12 yrs ago
There is no formula for detecting a jerk.

My best advice is to look for congruence - (1) Their words should match their actions… a guy who talks a lot might be a faker, pay more attention to what men do. (2) They should be consistent…. Beware of things that don’t add up, e.g. claims to be a rich banker but lives in a 200 square foot apartment. (3) A guy should be fairly open with you…. any guy with a lot of “mystery” is probably hiding a wife or some criminal behavior.

Finally, don't pay too much attention to clothing (either way) jerks usually dress well, but so do plenty of non-jerks. Clothing tells you nothing about what's in a guys heart.

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galaxy78 12 yrs ago
he just wrote what you want to read, he is not trying to propose..or maybe he is guilty of something and trying hard to mask it with sweet sweet words..

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Justin Credible (Part Deux) 12 yrs ago
"you make me feel complete"

*SMH* seriously, gag! Guy is all Jerry Macguire up in this place. Any man who is writing all this bs in one go has got to be one sandwich short of a picnic!

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