We never stop learning...growing...discovering

Posted by Pink Martini 13 yrs ago
Never Completion

A pebble is beaten by waves

It is taken to and from the shores,

with the whims of the tides.

Until it finally becomes a granule of sand

to rest upon a beach

somewhere that it can reside for a time.

Its journey is almost never over though

because it is so small

it can be carried away…

By the brush of the winds,

or upon the shoe of an unknown sole,

or by the hands that wishes it to get it all fired up.

Into the fire with you,

to be lit by extremely high temperatures,

so high that those granules turn into something else entirely new.

From stone, to sand, to glass

a new creation

a transformation

by flame.

By Rachel Winder

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Loyd Grossman is Miss Venezuela 13 yrs ago
Can't say I'm a big fan of this poem.

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Pink Martini 13 yrs ago
LG, that is okay. Poetry is a personal thing and this poem means a lot to me because I wrote it. These are my feelings expressed in verse. This is why is wrote it...

I am at the home stretch in the packing process. The delivery service that will move me will be here in 4 hours and 25 minutes. I slept little last night as my thoughts kept running over all that I had to do and wished that I could have done, but could not because I did not wish to disturb Andrea my roommate. Andrea will soon be transitioning to her new life in Nanjing; she will be an hour and a half train ride away. God I will miss her! She has been more to me than just a friend. Andrea has been my family, my sister, my confidant, my support system, and so much more. I am truly not simply changing to a new job I am changing into a new life.

It is exciting and scary all at the same time! It is a necessary change though and I know this as I know that I will be happy at my new job. Ecstatic really! I think that it is important doing what we love. Whenever I have done what I love to do no matter much or little I was paid I never wanted for anything. Somehow things simply feel into place as they should. This does not mean that I have not gone through rough patches it my life, but it was usually because I wasn't doing what I loved.

I am feeling very nostalgic I can't wait to go home, yet I can't wait to come back home to Shanghai. So many emotions are swirling inside of me and right now I simply do not have the time to process them, so I will go back to plugging away, for I am at the home stretch in the packing process.


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Pink Martini 13 yrs ago
Incoherent ramblings from the pages of my Internet journal… I also have produced such ramblings on paper in my journal when at the Yu Yuan Gardens, or at Fuxing Park, or on the Bund while people watching. I am in my new flat now and have decided that unpacking is worse than packing, yet I wish to have this all done before I go back home for Holiday, better known as summer vacation and the perks of being a teacher. It will also be an opportunity to get used to the fact that when I come back home to Shanghai I will be at a new school and living in a home without my best friend. I will be living alone with new creepy sounds and new neighbors. It is weird not having Andrea around already, so going home will be a welcome diversion. You see we helped each other in so many ways, we helped each other to grow, to be more, to do more, and then there were of course all of the little things too. For instance, I am not a morning person and thank goodness she isn’t either. We would simply grunt at each other in the morning and that was all of the communication necessary, it is funny how the tone of a grunt can have several different meanings, yet still have meaning. I finished my book last night ‘World Without End’ by Ken Follett and have no one to pass it off to as my suitcase is already over weight. It is the knowing that when my head is in the clouds and I carelessly lock myself out of the flat there will be no one to eventually open the door for me (note to self…find a locksmith and put him on your favorites phone list). The post-its saying have a wonder day, or good luck, or don’t forget…. on each other’s door. It is all sorts of little things that I will miss. Yet, I am so happy for both of us. So, as I part China on the same day as my country will celebrate their Independence…I too will celebrate mine…and I will not forget all that I have learned…or the people who were by my side in that journey. Thank you for letting me share.

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Justin Credible (Part Deux) 13 yrs ago
Whitman you are not, but hey, good for you! Good luck with your ch-ch-ch-changes!

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