Food for thought: Marriage, Divorce and everything in between

Posted by Justin Credible (Part Deux) 13 yrs ago
When I was 18, I believed marriage was "forever, till death do us part, in good times and bad" blah blah blah. And this was until I got married and found that the bad...well, you can only endure so much of it before you think, "I gotto quit feeding this monster".

The long and the short of it is that what I learned from my experiences of marriage, the good and the bad, and divorce, the good and the bad, and parenting vs co-parenting, its well worth sharing.

Don't undermine yourself. Should be rule number one.

Its easy to get down about how things have come and gone, but in the end, people who have sunny days all day every day, they have no means of empathizing with those that have had a crappy day. On the other hand, those who have had mostly lousy days, they know how it is to empathize with someone who has had a bad day and they know if what they need is a hug or a bit of a tough love slap up the side of the know, coz we have all been there.

The question I would like to pose to you, as posters and lurkers (who really are potential posters) is this: what have you learned from your successful OR unsuccessful marriages, your peaceful OR acrimonious divorces, your experiences of parenting OR co-parenting (parenting after divorce, split homes, extra parents, etc) and what advice would you give others before they start their journey or who are in a certain stage of life where a bit of insight might be handy or at least food for thought. Those in relationships of any length or even those who refuse to bend to societal expectations and marry, please also leave comments, as the title says "everything in between".

The floor is yours.

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Pink Martini 13 yrs ago
J, Love is a leap of faith. If one could look into a crystal ball and see what was ahead...well one would never jump. When I hear the word unconditional love to me that really means having faith in yourself and your partner, but sometimes we lose faith because we become overwhelmed. This can happen in any relationships even those where marriage isn't involved.

Sometimes you just have to jump! Because the fall can be wonderful, exciting, scary, and great.

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