
Posted by ahacha 18 yrs ago
There's no rule.

Individual choices.

Perfectly possible for some it seems.

Impossible for others.

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blissful82 18 yrs ago
entirely depends on the individuals and their beliefs in lige

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travelinteacher 18 yrs ago
I had three friends marry as virgins. Two were past the age of 30 when they married.

How? They intentionally only dated those with the same religious convictions. Both couples were involved in singles groups with accountability partners. They set themselves "ground rules" such as not watching movies alone together, spending nights only in public places and such (it varied depending on the couple).

The result: One couple got so used to sleeping together without sex that they had severe marital problems around year 2. They had built the sex up to such a level that it was going to be "perfect." When it didn't meet expectations the first time(s), it was all downhill from there. They went to counseling, are now happily married with two kids.

One couple subscribed to the "everything but" rule. They have the normal up-and-down marriage with a mortgage and two kids.

The other couple is sickningly disgusting - all over each other now that they are married. They are on child number 2.

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travelinteacher 18 yrs ago
What is your motivation behind it? How would he answer that question?

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