Looking for witnesses

Posted by Preeyarob 9 mths ago
Hello everyone,

This is Robert. I have plan to get married in HK with my fiance. We, both, are foreigners and don't know anyone in HK. We have read about the HK marriage rules/laws and only short of one requirement i.e. two witnesses. I'm wondering how to have two witnesses in HK as we don't know anyone there. The marriage cannot be registered in HK without two witnesses.

Our plan to get married in 22. Mai'2024.We are looking for 2 lovely people (over 18) to volunteer to sign as official witnesses to our marriage. You will need to bring your valid passports or HK Id. if anyone can spare us some time and give us a helping hand, we would really be so grateful. This would help us to finialize our plan and prepare for the marriage.

Please write to me if you can help us and also, let me know your requirements.

If you might know other person who can be our marriage witnesses, please write me their email addresses, too.

Hope we can get help. Much appreciate your help!

Thanks in Advance,

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Yeen 5 mths ago
Hi. I just wanna know where did you get witnesses?

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JacobM 5 mths ago
Count me

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