Posted by PSR_AXP 5 days ago
Getting married in Hong Kong and in need of witnesses?
Willing to be a witness to someone's wedding?
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Wedding Witnesses: What Are They?
A wedding witness's primary responsibility is to observe the officiant, bride, and groom signing the wedding certificate. As the name implies, after you have finished signing, they must also sign it to attest to their presence at the wedding.
A witness at a wedding may also play other roles. For instance, they could be an usher (groomsman) or a bridesmaid. There are no legal restrictions on who can and cannot testify, provided that the witness is an adult and is aware of what is taking place. Even knowing the bride and groom is not necessary!
Why are Witnesses Required at a Wedding?
Weddings are more than just a way to celebrate your love. There are actual legal repercussions to this formal ceremony. You might need to change your name and the taxes you pay, depending on your preferences, where you live, and your line of work. On a personal level, it's also not a "agreement" to be made hastily.
Therefore, it is only fitting that all wedding ceremonies in Hong Kong be conducted correctly and that the participants voluntarily engage into their "agreement"! As a result, it is now legally required that witnesses attend your wedding and sign your wedding documents.

Reminder: Always take the necessary precautions before exchanging personal details
Best wishes on your upcoming wedding!

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