He who seeks ecstasy in love should not complain of suffering?

Posted by naughtyatforty 10 yrs ago
How does it feel when you realise that someone you have loved deeply and for years, loves you little or not at all?

Pain, anger, sorrow, disgust.... ?

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Auspropertyowner 10 yrs ago
Naughty dont listen to the crumbs that trawl this website with their toxic pontifications, they have nothing better to do with their life, you'll notice they are typically the same people doing this across the forums, not just in this one. Malka get a life, you are the troll here, I would be very surprised if you have ever had a meaningful relationship with anyone to know what you are talking about and you seem fine with making sweeping statements without any facts which is pure ignorance.

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2015EM 10 yrs ago
I would say it's unusual at your case.. so admit it.. indeed when you look at the bright side: now it's a awakening mode for you: give you an alert - it's a right time (a perfect time frame for you) to re- start and re- fix your life on the right track.

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Bawble 10 yrs ago
They have never loved you or is just no longer in love with you?

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Gee Whiz 10 yrs ago
"What though the radiance which was once so bright

Be now for ever taken from my sight,

Though nothing can bring back the hour

Of splendour in the grass, of glory in the flower;

We will grieve not, rather find

Strength in what remains behind........"

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