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19 yrs ago
Not true and a pure generalization.I fell in love with my baby at first sight.It didn't take me 1 or 2 weeks to get used to him.
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19 yrs ago
Don't agree at all
The specific question was:
Is it possible to fall in love at first sight ?
Answer:At first sight I fell in love with my baby.
End of...
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maybe, but never certain enough to make any decisons - like marriage. That takes thought and a bit of time
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19 yrs ago
OK.I was just making a point.I think with your own innocent baby (toddler/infant) you fall in love as soon as he/She is born.
However with b/f g/f it takes longer.With me,it took about a week and only realised when I thought about the person ALL of the time and could not get out of my head.I lost weight,couldn't eat,couldn't sleep until together again.
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Love at first sight with my husband....but we went out for 10 yrs before we got married.
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19 yrs ago
I knew in 5 minutes. Really, 5 minutes. Even called a friend to tell them. I knew not because of everything he was but beause of everything he was not. It takes living through a bad relationship to know when you've hit the jackpot.
Long story short, now happily married.
You know when you know, don't know.
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"You know when you know, don't know"
That kind of logic makes my brain bleed. :)
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19 yrs ago
Fair enough. I just meant that people ask the question about whether it exists or not becasue it hasn't happened to them, therefore they suppose that they cannot know and that it may not exist.
Those who have experienced it are the ones who know it exists. Apart from the ones who haven't but are certain they're going to. All the experienced ones can say is...hold out and it'll happen...but probably never when you're looking.
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19 yrs ago've had so BAD in a previous relationship and have been so cautious up until that point. When it presents itself, it's so samn obvious.
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19 yrs ago
Yep, felt a very strong emotion when I met my husband. Didn't marry quickly but are still together after 13 years, very happily.
Had a few relationships before meeting my husband, lived with one and while I certainly loved these guys the attraction was nothing like when I met my husband.
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19 yrs ago
Opened the door to a club,looked at the stage and knew it was him.(oh my God no,a musician,black,poor.NO). I sat in the back, in the dark and noticed he was far too young anyway,but very sympathetic. Then,by mistake(?) the light fell on me for HIS SOLO!and he saw me and fell in love.Unfortunately - like many fairytales end - he died this March - otherwise we would still be together - the love of my life!
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Love at first sight does exist! Met my husband on blind date after emailing and texting with him for days ... I was actually afraid to meet him because I felt a strong connection via email, text and didn't want to disappointed if the attraction wasn't there in person. I wasn't disappointed - walked away a few hours after the meeting with no recollection of what he looked like, only a feeling that I've never had before. That was 2 years ago - we're now very happily married (just weeks ago - had a great courtship until then, where we really got to know each other as friends and partners). Still as much in love as ever : )
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met and spent the first weekend together, 1 week later he said "i love you", 2 weeks later he gave me a set of keys to his place, 4 years later we got married, 1 year into marriage with a 21 week old. bliss!
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not sure about first sight, lust for sure, very fit body, but absolutely knew she was the one after 1st date on quiet beach/bay, one of those hell it seems like we are old friends or something, very relaxed but an amazing high after parting. Together now for four years after being 10,000km apart for most of the first year.
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