Ever Fallen In Love With Someone (You Shouldn't have Fallen In Love With)?…

Posted by selda 18 yrs ago

what a sobering vision of love!

I guess the problem lies in trying to hold on to something that has already transformed us, showed us a new perspective on life and ourselves instead of letting it go and open ourselves to some new experiences. I don't believe there is "someone we shouldn't have fallen in love with", because if that person could make us feel love, then this person has delivered Eros' message. His mission was accomplished. We were transformed by that feeling. Regardless of whether it was a mutual feeling or not.

Some love affairs are like an ice-cream that we should lick and savour in 5 minutes because otherwise it melts in our hands, and they get all sticky, and we can't find a water fountain to wash it off....not to speak of the stains it leaves on our clothes!

Love usually inspires me, and i thrive under its influence, i really feel like i have wings, i can soar and achieve anything. But then the lover (or I) have a change of heart, i fall crashing on the ground...a little bruised i stand up again and am ready to continue my flight (of fantasy or other).

If we were wise enough we would not expect the flight to last forever, but just to take us from A to B, and the ice-cream would be enjoyed more if we licked it before it melted in our hands.

Some flights are long-haul and we are lucky if we have enough leg room and decent food to eat....a reclinable seat is always handy. Other times we are stuck in economy, and it's not comfortable, we can't get out even if we would like to, but when we get to our destination, we soon forget the discomfort.

We travel a stretch of time and life with someone, but then our ways part. It's in the nature of things. Change is the only rule of life.

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marieantoinette 18 yrs ago
Don't drink and (hard)drive............

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