Does Porn Hurt Relationships?

Posted by Ed 12 yrs ago

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dreamerseven 12 yrs ago
What do you think, Ed?Does it?

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woods99 12 yrs ago

I guess it would depend on the type of pornography, and whether it is shared by both partners.

If I discovered that my partner was secretly using hard core pornography I would not be particularly happy, and I cannot imagine that this would be good for our relationship.

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yesman1997 12 yrs ago
Yes and No.

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Crusty 12 yrs ago
It depends.

If YOU are the actress/actor and you GF/BF/Wife/Hubby doesn't know about your other "Calling", then yes, I can see how it might be a touchy subject if ACCIDENTALLY uncovered.

If THEY know all about your other talents and interests, then it's not a problem.

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Lunatic 12 yrs ago
don't know.

but repeatedly rejecting your partner in bed does...

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woods99 12 yrs ago

Most pornography is "low class or vulgar".

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woods99 12 yrs ago

Sorry, I don't follow your point. Are you saying that all pornography is okay, because it is about sex, and sex with somebody we love and care for is beautiful?

Pornography is not about sexual love, it is about perverted images of sexual activities. Most pornography is disgusting. Do you believe that sex with animals, for example, is low class?

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Justin Credible (Part Deux) 12 yrs ago
You don't have to look all yippy kai yeah about porn in order to prove you have a healthy sex life, OEC, really, I'm assuming you are more of a vanilla porn watcher because you don't have a clue what woods99 is referring to when mentioning "majority" of the porn out there being beyond NSFW.

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CaptDave 12 yrs ago
Yes, porn hurts relationships, but so do romance stories.

Here is what they have in common -

Immerse you into a fantasy world, and heighten certain feelings that cannot be satisfied in the real world.

The aftermath is to set extremely unrealistic expectations for relationships with real people, and set you up for relationship failure.

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woods99 12 yrs ago

Good point, CaptDave.

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Xshoequeen 12 yrs ago
Anyone read 50 shades of grey?

I don't think the world is full of horny bored housewives, though why a big seller?

Maybe the threshold of porn is loosening?

Just my thought...

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Lunatic 12 yrs ago

haven't red that book, but don't think you can compare the two. i imagine everyone is having fun in the book, or at least it is left to interpretation to the horny housewives.

most porn depicts women as sex objects. don't know what one ear cat has watched, but there is stuff out there that would make most women become nuns after seeing it.

CaptDave has a point too. it depends on the people who watch both of those things, not the thing itself. children shouldn't. (both things)

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Xshoequeen 12 yrs ago
@ Lunatic, i do completely agree that u can't compare horny housewife literature with what is argued here!! ( but, at lead, it gave romance and imagination to the housewives!! ; )- )

Just wanted to point out that reading that book made me look at porn and relationships from a different perspective as I did some net surfing about these sexual preferences. It made me realize a whole different dimension than just asking "is porn or sexual preferences good or bad. " ( just to clarify, I wasn't surfing the net because I was horny, most of the terms of the book were so not plain vanilla that I had to look it up and curiosity won about these peoples lives, you know how net surfing could do this!!!)

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woods99 12 yrs ago

You have a strange idea of what the word "everybody" means. Most people do not talk about porn, and the majority of people do not access it in any way.

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woods99 12 yrs ago

Porn hurts people, the people who make it, the people who "act" in it, and those who watch it.

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boxjockey 12 yrs ago
Are you guys serious? Hurts everyone, at least for a decade? What? Are you all truly that bottled up sexually? I have been watching porn from the time I was 12 and found my parents 70's porno in their sock drawer. I have had many wonderful sexual relationships with women throughout the years, with mutual respect and pleasure. Do you know that it has been proven time and again that people who have regular orgasm have better physical and mental health? Orgasm releases the same endorphins that you experience with vigorous excercise. It reduces the occurence of enlarged prostate and prostate cancer in men. Which do you think is more harmful to a relationship: Partner who seeks self fulfillment while taking in hard-core porn, or partner who goes outside the relationship to find another participant? I have never known a girl in my 20 years since adolesence who has not watched a porn, and many who watch regularly. Is it wrong for a woman to own a vibrator? Dildo? Do you guys believe that you can have a truly healthy, loving, passionate relationship with someone and regular sex not be a part of it? Sometimes when we feel so stongly against something, we should look inward and try to understand "why".

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trawler 12 yrs ago
Different strokes for different folks........Porn can kinda brutal or it can also be soft..........As long as both partners are comfortable with it,it shoul dbe a no brainer.However people being people get hung up on me not a big issue as long as dicussed and agreed upon........ciao

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kylcheung124 12 yrs ago
It all depends on whether you two feel comfortable with it...just my thought

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tigerbay 12 yrs ago
There is no black and white answer.

If you are not getting sex at home from your partner, what then?

Do you procure sex to meet your needs?

Do you watch porn and relieve yourself?

Do you relieve yourself without porn?

Do you bottle up your needs?

Porn is not about sexual love. Porn is about satisfying a natural urge.

Partners may not like it.

What we don't know won't hurt us, generally.

Although there are some types of porn that may feed an unhealthy set of desires, a blanket statement that (all) porn is bad, or that it is bad for a relationship.

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rainydayblues 12 yrs ago
The original question was not about morality or if porn was good or bad, it was asking if porn hurts relationships.

Morality, and is porn bad, are both value judgements, they are not scientific.

I would also be interested to see if you can cite any research at all. Scientific research, not just anecdotes and supposition by certain sections of the evangelical church that is.

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Gee Whiz 12 yrs ago
yes and no

yes if it involves the spouse

no, if it involves your lover :)

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CaptDave 12 yrs ago
Porn, Romance Novels, 50 Shades of Gray - all of them immerse the reader/viewer into a world of fantasy that helps one escape and sets up expectations that cannot be met in real relationships.

However, watching a "home movie" of yourself and your partner ? Is that OK ?

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Xshoequeen 12 yrs ago
Isn't that called a fetish?...

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Xshoequeen 12 yrs ago
Anyway, I agree with CaptDave, escaping in lala land and staying there depends on the person, If you stay there, It will hurt relationships.

I wonder why people are so proud to "leak" their most intimate act the public....

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rainydayblues 12 yrs ago
Escapism is fine, as long as we accept that it is not real.

It is what fiction and drama are all about. Does anyone think Trumpton, is damaging to a childs development. Or that Dickens, the Bronte sisters, Shakespear are damaging.

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Kazzy K 12 yrs ago
Ohhhhh I think I must be a bad girl......I regularly indulge in watching a little porn but I am a mature single lady with needs however I have watched it together in the past with my partner and at first found it a little disconcerting. I did however relax about it and I have to say that with both agreed parties it can enhance the intimacy between the two people because of the openness and honesty of enjoying it and it being taboo. It's a personal preference and aren't we all individual and unique? No 2 people are the same nor is any relationship.....there is no right or wrong answer wether it is right or wrong...the only truth is that being open and honest to yourself is the right answer, you have to recognise that of ourself before you can do the same with others..........

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RevJim 12 yrs ago
Yes pornography hurts relationships. Have you ever wondered why there is so much pornography available for free online? Porn is a business, so why offer it for free? The answer is because what is erotic to a person today quickly changes. The porn industry understands this and delivers a taste for free. The user soon becomes bored with what is available for free and begins searching for something better which they must often pay for.

The damage is similar in a relationship. As a man views porn he becomes bored with what his mate is doing and begins want more. Perhaps more than she is willing to give. The mate will feel as if she is no longer attractive and if she does not know the source of the problem wonder shy he is not satisfied with her.

Porn is toxic to a relationship. It leaves one partner hurt and confused and neither are satisfied. It should be avoided.

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CaptDave 12 yrs ago
Rev Jim, I agree with 90% of what you wrote, but you seem to assume that it's men consuming porn. A lot is consumed by women.

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emo257 12 yrs ago
What is wrong with Porn?, we all have different understanding with it, that is one kind of a stuff hapenning anywhere, it all defends on you and your partner, as long as you both agree with it, enjoy with it, and not hurting other people, and mature enough with a higher understanding and respect to each be it.

that's my Opinion.

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Ed 12 yrs ago
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Ed 12 yrs ago
What Do You Desire?

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bananaq 12 yrs ago
porn is good as long as both partners like it and enjoy it.

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Ed 12 yrs ago
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Ed 12 yrs ago
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Antony Hatcher 12 yrs ago
In real terms porn is there to make you masterbate. Let face facts if we used every orgasam there would be population so large we would all be climbing over each other. But porn and a realtionship should never be confused. The porn you see is staged they are porn actors and are there to turn you on period. So dont sweat it.

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Ed 12 yrs ago
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Ed 12 yrs ago
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Ed 12 yrs ago
Does porn harm people?

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CaptDave 12 yrs ago
It's intereting to note that the countries who contribute women to this trade generally have disfunctional governments, with a basket case economies.

The central issue is socioeconomic mobility - do people have the chance to better themselves ? in countries where there is no legal way to "climb the ladder" because excessive regualtion preserving the status quo, or government by robbber barons - that's when the sex trade flourishes. Amazing how economic rules can create a moat that keeps incompetent businesses in monopoly, and restricts the creation of new wealth is a good predictor of how many women will be selling themselves.

In countries where people feel they have an opportunity to better themselves, you see a lot less of this.

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Ed 12 yrs ago
Coming Out as a Porn Addict

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