What is this thing called love?

Posted by Alisa_Thornberry 19 yrs ago
Bendy57 got me thinking...what is this feeling we call love? I mean coming from a person who has actually cheated I am really confused. You see I had this love feeling for 2 people at one time..not on equal terms though..you see I had it stronger for the guy I cheated with at the time...it didnt work out...happened long time ago...still with my honeybunch...he has no clue...I love my man more than anything but...hey I might fall for someone else someday...afterall it did happen?

Would love to hear your comments on the matter if you have time to spare on this frivolous topic( as some of you might feel...)

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Alisa_Thornberry 19 yrs ago
Common lazy bone...! Give me somethin to think about..I am bored at work today!

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Alisa_Thornberry 19 yrs ago
ooops sorry..meant to say lazy bones...: )

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shaq 19 yrs ago
As water is colourless, so is love 'defineless'. One thing is clear though, 'any feeling we may have that is detrimental to a person we have decided to live/stay with is not love... period'.

Back to your situation, I can say that you lusted for the guy you cheated with, which make you a bad 'lover' (excuse me to say). We all lust for 'stuff' sometimes, but the ability to stand against them or NOT to sucuub to them makes us 'lovers (of what we have or people we're with)'. Just my thought...... Peace out :D.


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Alisa_Thornberry 19 yrs ago
Lust is different to love Shaq. I did not lust for the guy...I genuinely liked him...

There are no good or bad lovers in the world...think about it. Forget about our social commitments...think on broad terms...what is love? How do you know whether you really love someone and not just staying with someone beacuse he's good for you or you like him alot and he's a great friend...actually there is just a fine line between like and love...so my question again..how do you know you love someone?

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Alisa_Thornberry 19 yrs ago
Thanks Binky..you are sweet : )...hey let the world know that I am a cheater! There you go...its all out! So lets get back to the question shall we?

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Alisa_Thornberry 19 yrs ago
Hey where did Binky's posts go? Hmmm weired..

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sweetpea 19 yrs ago

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freesophia 19 yrs ago
hey, what's love thing, i don't know either. when i with my boy, i always thought it's love. BUt also always i found it's not lover short time later. things just so confusing. Maybe just need to be paitent and keep peace.

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lakambini_06 19 yrs ago
desire is physical while love is spiritual..

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susan45988 19 yrs ago
I agree with Justin Credible but how can we keep that feeling going with the same person? It seems that only unrequited love can last forever!

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menthos 19 yrs ago
how do u know u love someone???... it is when you make him/her your priority. it is not much of what u want, but what will make him/her happy. u are willing to sacrifice time, money, effort, emotion, just to let him know you are there. it is when your friends think you are going nuts coz every word that comes out of your mouth spells his name. it is when you look at your watch and think "what could he be doing now?" it is when you hear a good song and u imagine yourself singing it with him. when everywhere u look you see his face smiling back at you... and it is when you wake up on sunny day, after you've said your last goodbye's, you can still say... 'darn, i still love that a**hole!'...

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lambada 19 yrs ago

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