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19 yrs ago
Hey beingabroad, interesting topic. The idea sounds great doesn't it? To have your cake and eat it! However the truth of the matter is it will go pear shaped eventually. I have heard and seen so many who have gone down that avenue and eventually it turned sour. Sods law, grass is greener etc etc. Perhaps when mankind develops more and we learn to deal better with the less desirable feelings, Greed, Jealousy, insecurity,perhaps it may be possible. Hey I just saw a pig fly by my window
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19 yrs ago
Mankind should not encourage the so-called open relationship. Its simply just sickening.
Do I have a similar opinion here, people?
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Yeah right. I bet the guy's wife has no idea and he's just trying to get you into bed.
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19 yrs ago
And there goes the 'insulting line'.
Even the laws of nature (if there is anything like that) or conventionalism are contra to a life like what has come to be tagged 'open relationship' (for convenience sake). Breathren, it is just senseless under all logical reasoning, and demeaning to the human race.
Geeeee, would we be different from animals if we're all in the so-called open relationship????
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Hmm I can read and think just fine. I am thinking you have found yourself a good old married sleazebag. Half the time, men who claim to have "open marriages" have no such thing. Especially when they are making the claim to someone they just met the other day, as you say.
Unless you also met his wife and she admitted her willing participation in the whole sordid shenanigan, in which case I take it all back.
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Are you sure they are married?? They might be brother and sister ha ha. Therefore if he is telling the truth it would be the only plausable answer?? Either that or they are so insecure to be out there on their own. Hence stuck with each other in a very unusual destined to fail relationship
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19 yrs ago
well may be you should ask for a 3 threesome with the guy and his wife, see what he says?! hahaha
All sleazebag hubby claimed they have open marriage so they can get into another women's pants without too much fuzz.
If they are married that way, why they get married in the first place? i met a lot selfish creeps all calimed they are happily married with an open relationship and then all end up the wife went away and ask for a exensive divorce.
lies and a lot of bullsh*t.
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19 yrs ago
Sexless with wife and they both have sex with other people? What a load of rubblish...hahaha
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Many tell "NO"!!! Don't do this,don't do that.
People are different with different thinking,desires,feelings and many forget about that easy and unable to accept there live style.Some because there are the most jealous people around on this planet,most think of there partners as theres own property,make them self's and there partners to forced "by people" made up written laws but the trough is, we all have dreams,feelings beyond books!!! NO ANIMAL, NO PLANT in this world has written laws and ask if they can or can not and most of all, NEVER!!! Listen to people who don't know (no experience!!!)if something is right for you or not.
If you like it and (millions do!!!) and your partner too,then it will be fine and it will be the greatest think for both of you and of course you can love each other this way.Remember,millions of people are happily married this way all over the world and most of them are way more happy then the majority of couples on this planet because they have still something going while others have a dead fish in there bed's.and what about the billions who crew around secretly behind the back of there loved once??? Running for divorce,kill each other,beat each other,broken families all over with divorce rates over 50 or 60%,do you thing this is great???
My tip: Go live your live,try new things,be happy,have a great live,have a great love/sex live this much as you like and want.Live is short and miserable enough in other ways for most people (including the rich)If you like it,if you love,then it's the right thing for you to do!!!!!! I wish you the best of luck and I am sure,once you try,your falling in love with this (my many!!!experience)if you find the right people to do it with and there is plenty to choose from!!!!They all love it!!!Why not you???
Anybody who has never tried anything should simply shot up!Anybody who is unable to respect other people feelings and desires should simple shame them self's for there unqualified stupid remarks.It's them,who have a problem.Good luck.I hope the best for you.
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19 yrs ago
And I thought I was bad!... Hope the purging had the desired effect and I do agree but please people a little white space helps those with cross eyes...
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I believe in the sanctity of marriage and of what it represents.
I believe in monogamy in relationships, whether the couple is married or not, gay or straight.
But I also believe that people are entitled to their own source of happiness as long as no other party is aggravated, abused nor wronged.
I don't know of anyone in an open relationship, but if it works for some couples like the one you mentioned,..
and they are TRULY happy and content with that set-up, then congratulations to them.
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I think the over-stimulation is just to numb the pain.
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just a thought...what happens if there are kids involved here in the marriage?..awfully difficult to explain such a lifestyle to them..
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Since Cathylovesjazz is a man,
it remains to be seen how 'lucky' his partner feels..
Are there any females here who feel 'lucky' to have an open relationship? You get to cook and clean for your 'part-time lover!' What a boon!
I meet men all the time (really!) who seem to have made the decision they are in an open relationship. In fact, in LKF, they all keep they're wedding ring hands in their pockets.. and after an hour of flirting.. it transpires he's married. Or the beauty; I'm separated, but my wife and I still live together...(yeah, does she know?). Does this happen to anyone else?!
I would believe "My wife and I don't love each other and we both do what we like." Fair enough!
But "Open Marriage" - first time I've heard MEN come up with something so pretty sounding!
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Why can't we just get along, why do we have to have all of these difficult excuses and explanations just to have a little bit of sex. It surprises me just through how much bs you have to go to either get it or get rid of it, while it is just as normal a function as eating or drinking. But you never see people go through elaborate pre-eating rituals, they take a loaf of bread and put it into their mouths, nothing deeply philosophical about it, just filling stomach. Why can't we just admit we have the same hunger for sex and love?
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Right on, Chris. The older I get, the more I tend to agree with what you said. It's just open relationships aren't good when it comes to marriage. What if some guy gets your cheating wife pregnant and unkowingly raise someone ELSE's child for them! Bummer.
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excuuuuuse me, and what's on offer for the lady diners?!
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