Posted by
19 yrs ago
Re: bans/deletions.
These forums are for serious discussion and giving advice and answers. We will not allow them to move in any other direction.
Please find another site if you must post content that does not abide by these rules because I will immediately cut the cancer out before it spreads.
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excuuuuuse me Twotails32, but your "list" for girls is totally lame and incomplete!
i absolutely do NOT like washing dishes, and I DO like great sex (i'll leave out the detials so as not to get banned), sleeping after sex, him looking great, enough time with my girl friends...get the point? ;-)
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Girls: ...Blah...
Guys: ...Blah...
Are men that shallow and women so deep? I'm afraid so....
Well, glad you're not generalising or anything. What total b*ll*cks.
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