Hi all I've been married for 7 years and have been really unhappy for the last 4. I've finally decided to take action as things are going rapidly downhill to the point where I fear harm may come to my kids or myself. I have consulted with a lawyer and was told to push a divorce through could cost hundreds of thousands of dollars in lawyer fees if it isn't amicable/ without a mediator - there is no agreement on this whatsoever so I'd have to initiate the divorce and have my partner served.
Lately there is a lot of brain-washing with the kids going on, FB posts discrediting my character with lies and false statements, destroying two phones because of potential incriminating audio, destroying home camera, powering off new one, berating helper, burns from hot oil from a spatula the list goes on and on.
Is there ANYTHING I can do? Our children are 9 and under and I feel VERY stuck here!