Have you ever wished you never found out your husband/wife was cheating?

Posted by wake up call 15 yrs ago
Curious....All these people who have been cheated on, has anyone felt like this?

Wished you never had found out your husband/wife was cheating? Or everyone preferes to know?

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TXcowboy 15 yrs ago
Most people will tell you that they rather were told the truth. Then again, most people can't handle the truth.

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mimi72 15 yrs ago
I prefer to know! But as txcowboy said is not easy to handle.

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sexyboop 15 yrs ago
I prefer not to know. I prefer he's smart enough to cover up everything so I can continue loving him happily every day. Otherwise, Disclosure will only lead to "Divorce", 100% for sure. All or nothing for me.

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wake up call 15 yrs ago
Hmmmmm. Interesting views.

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viper342 15 yrs ago
If I am deeply in love with my husband and will feel empty without him and he treats me lovingly, I guess I would prefer not to know.

If I marry a man whom I thought would be a good husband and mutually take the marriage vows seriously and if he cheats, I would want to know as it would only be fair that I have the option to choose the next step either to stay or to leave.

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hellokittyhk 15 yrs ago
"the smart and practical husband would tell the "truth" by lying"

Please! The selfish, self-absorbed husband, who has no respect for his wife, would tell the 'truth' by lying.

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cookie09 15 yrs ago
sexyboob +1

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wake up call 15 yrs ago

"the smart and practical husband would tell the "truth" by lying"

I think you made a typo. Should read "the practical husband would tell the "truth" by lying"....

I am guessing that everyone who ever cheated would tell you it was not a smart move?

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wake up call 15 yrs ago
Hmmmm. Interesting.

Wonder if the cheating/lying husband has ever realised that in order for the wife to ask that question she has already felt something was a miss in the relationship already?

And one of the cause of this 'niggly' feeling that things are not right in the relationship is that the husband has had his attention/energy distracted by the third party?

...No matter how much/how well he thinks he has covered it up?

So for the husband/cheating party it feels like it is a long lasting and stable environment so his lie if 'constructive' but for the wife, it is a very slowly destructive/difficult painful, sandpit sinking feeling......and by finding out no matter how difficult or hurtful, at least she knows what she is battling? No?

Anyway, I digress from topic.

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