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18 yrs ago
Looking for a new one, then you will forget the past...
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18 yrs ago
The living can't forget the past. So, to forget, the solution is to be dead. But, since life is so sweet, I'm sure you don't wanna be dead.
Here is the deal; We can only get wise (i.e., having experience) from the experiences of the past. With such an experience, you could move on with the motivation that you won't be in the same 'pit' again.
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18 yrs ago
It seems to me you need a life-saving religion.
Do you believe in anyhting? Like God? Let me give you one clue, it is great to know Jesus Christ and to be among people who are truly in Christ. Take the Bible, read it, ask Christ to come into your life, allow Him and the teaching that are from/through him to guide you and your decision-makings and, I tell you, girl, your life will be completely turn around for the better. Bless you and may He strenthens you.
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