Posted by
19 yrs ago
If your ex is like a friend to you and you still have him as a friend after break-up, keep him as such, and look ahead. You said the bases was sex, so I suppose your present relationship gives you a fulfilling sex. If that is so, what is the problem, my dear?
As long as you're tied to the 'past' and whatever it had for you, you'll continue to be sad which, I'm afraid, kills (especially, in HK).
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19 yrs ago
dear can u get the best of both worlds, i dont think it will be so easy to continue with both relations even if u tell ur new bf that ur ex is just a friend. iam sure u cannot hide ur relation from new bf and as i understand 6 yrs of fulfilling relation(even without too much of fireworks in bed) make ur relation with ur old buddy so good that the new bf will run away after he see the chemistry between u 2.
choose between lover and father/brother.......
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19 yrs ago
There is NO gray area either, my dear; it is always either black or whike; positive or negative; etc. We, as humans, just 'love' to complicate issues.
Indeed, needs are insatiable, hence the need to make choices. Take a decision and heed to it ... period.
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19 yrs ago
Insane..sorry to hear your predicament
I myself was with my ex for 8 years before calling it quits almost 14months ago. We started the relationship while we're young n inexperienced. Just like you, sex was the main reason for our break-up but it took us another 3 years to find the courage to do so.
Cause I am based overseas, it helps though the 1st few months was hell but time heals all wounds. After the mourning period, I decided to get out and do stuffs that I have been wanting to do for a long time but never did. So, I kind of found myself as a result of the break-up.
No one was blame for the break-up. We both decided to get into it and we both decided to get out. The best thing is that, we both are still on talking terms. Yes! We're not a couple anymore and not having sex exclusively with each other but that matters the least. What we have now is friendship that cannot be traded by anything on earth.
My ex is attached to a wonderful person now and happy. Me? I am happy for them and excited about mt current 'Single' status
You should feel the same way for your ex and treat him as a friend and no more. You have moved on and one day, he might do the same too. If you want to have him in your life still, stop harbouring thoughts about being together as a couple again and think of him as a confidate.
You have to be strong and mature to do this and I am sure you are.
Take care
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insane, i'm sure you still feel guilty for cheating on and breaking up with your ex, whose only shortcoming, from what you write, was not satisfying you sexually. i'm sure it doesn't help that you were together for 6 long years and that your family still has a bond with him. of course you miss him.
however, you made your bed, now lie in it. the ethical and honest thing to do is to stop seeing your "best friend/brother/father" for a while and focus on your new relationship. as wasabi said, let your ex go.
good luck
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