Casual Relationship?

Posted by Dorris 19 yrs ago
well i seem to have moved from the frying pan straight into the fire ... :( but im actually quite happy!

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lammasita 19 yrs ago
Oh Dorris!! Good to see you back with us!

You know what I would say... forrest run!! If he is warning you of trouble then it most certainly will be. He is paving the way for him to be weak and then when you ask him, he'll turn around and say "I did try to warn you..."

Don't put yourself through this again, you don't deserve it.

From the sound of him, he simply does not know what he wants, and until he does I'd give him a wide berth...... like county wide!!..

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tia 19 yrs ago
Welcome back Dorris!

He sounds like he is carrying a load of bad baggage that he should work through before you carry on with him, casually or not. You can still get hurt casually.

Be friends, bc he sounds like he needs them, but be careful how much of your heart you put out there for him.

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flabbergasted 19 yrs ago
She is in the UK. She left. And I see you have returned Radio Doc.

Were you banned as well?

I was even accused once of being a make chauvanist Finnish pig on this forum. There is nothing male, chauvanist not Finnish about me. I highly doubt that people would say I was a pig either, maybe my roomate might, but that would be the only exception.

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freshjive 19 yrs ago
Dorris....its better to let him settle his own emotional baggage first before you jump in if not he will still be dragging it into the relationship with you. Let him know that the only way to move forward is to stop looking back.

Please think for yourself first always. If staying as friends will lead you in further and lose yourself, its better you keep an arm's length in this.

Stay cool

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Dorris 19 yrs ago
Bear 'The upper hand' was a very poor way of describing that at the time I felt that he had some kind of power over me as he had all the baggage and was telling me to stay away...even though at the same time he was calling and asking me to go round. I guess i meant that i wanted to have the strength to say no so that he could do a bit of chasing :(

Ahh well that guy is done and dusted.. taking some time out. Dont need someone who spoils things from day one talking about baggage and reminising what he did / didnt do with the girl who stole his heart! We could all do this to some extent though i feel some of us are cleaver and thoughtful enough not to! Not the right man for me...thank god really cos im probably not ready to dive into a happy loving relationship...LOL :) still happy Dorris

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lambada 19 yrs ago
Enjoy him. He's being a prat but as long as you don't get too involved it's harmless while you look around for something better. Isn't that what girlos do anyway?

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Dorris 19 yrs ago
Thanks all...he's gone ....ive realised that i dont do casual too well anyway! LOL

All casual means is 'lets have sex ...but i dont want to be wih you long term cos your just not right for me or even good enough'

I told that guy 'i dont want to be in a relationship with you! Twas fun while it lasted and thank you for making me laugh'..sweet simple and honest! haaaaa now whose next? LOL

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Dorris 19 yrs ago
oops it did last....sorry folks

i took your advise...which matched mine at the time

but this chap kept me interested

and here i am

with my cold inside thread lol

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