Advice Needed Please!

Posted by HK100 15 yrs ago
I met a guy 4 months ago, an ex-pat like me. He was the one who came over to chat to me in a bar and initiated the first few dates. I knew he was only going to be in HK until May but liked him immediately and so I thought why not have fun and see what happens.

Well, almost from day 1, we have been together every minute of every day, well living together I suppose. He was the first one to say "I love you", he is attentive, loving and clearly likes me an awful lot as well. To be honest we have an amazing time together.

However, he has just recently left to return to his home country (and children) and I have no clue what will happen now. He asked me to go and see him in the summer but says he can't even begin to think about what will happen next until he gets home. Any conversation about the future has been initiated by me, and although he hasn't been negative, he also hasn't been exactly positive either.

I know I should give him time to settle back into his life there and not put any pressure on him, but I am in love with this guy and feel distraught that he has gone. If he could just say anything about the future I would feel relieved.

I guess my concerns are that for him the whole relationship was just a nice way to spend time in HK before going home. What do you think, is there any way this could work out?

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sicn 15 yrs ago
how much 4 month of excitment worth compare to your whole life???

first timer of i love what?

no one has the cristal ball...

can you hit the resume key go back to your default setting: "why not have fun and see what happen". I mean have fun again and see what happen to YOUR LIFE.

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tinyteddy 15 yrs ago
Perhaps he is married?

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sistim 15 yrs ago
Sounds Married indeed....

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yanfangyf 15 yrs ago
Never jump into a relationship before you have a clear background of the guy. Move on and learn

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