Wedding rings

Posted by pinkcat 16 yrs ago
My fiance lives in US, he said western tradition is the bride buys the groom a ring, the groom buy the bride a ring, so they can give each other surprise.

I really don't agree with that, I think the couple should wear the same style of rings cuz they r a pair.

What do u think?

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pinkcat 16 yrs ago
Really? Then I must be old-fashioned and too serious, I think the wedding bands should be a pair, meaning we are the one and united.

What is the meaning if your wedding band is the same as another guy's ring but not yr husband?

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Kate71 16 yrs ago
A ring is just a ring - it will have whatever meaning you decide to give it... if it's the same style as some other guy's (it'll never be exactly the same as yours will be slimmer) does it mean that you're destined to be with him?? That's totally ridiculous...

Your fiance wants to buy you something that you will wear forever as a surprise gift - he wants to take the time to go and choose something special for you and for you to do the same as him... is that such a big deal? I think it's sweet...

If it's such an issue then tell him no - but don't you think that marriage is about compromise? Unless he's getting his way on the vast majority of the wedding arrangements/ stuff - don't you think you can allow him to have his way in this one thing?

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MJ1 16 yrs ago
Many married people in HK don't wear their wedding rings anyway.

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mabelhongkong 16 yrs ago
for the ring, it should be good to agree amongst yourself ^^ after all, this is the 1st joint decision right after (or before?) your marriage! :)


to wear a ring at work in office here sometimes is a bit 'troublesome' ... some of us consider marriage is our own personal thing, so some of us just don't like to let people know or aware that we are married or single. some of my friends got approached by guys in their offices when these guys know that my friends are married! can you imagine that? why they do it? i don't quite know ... maybe excitment? no commitment?

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tigerbay 16 yrs ago
Even in UK there are many different traditions about the wearing of rings.

There are even traditions in different families.

A mabel hongkong suggests, decide yourselves what you want to do.

But also ask your families, as there may already be some tradition that in the family that you both like the sound of.

I may even be that somebody is holding a family ring, waiting to pass it on.

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cookie09 16 yrs ago
if you live in a cross-cultural relationship and cannot even agree on such a small issue, i would suggest to make a run coz you will fail when the real issues appear

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kevinnov09 15 yrs ago
Yes this is true ,a wedding ring consists of a metal ring.It shows the

tradition of your culture.

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