Depressed Friend

Posted by JennyTeo 15 yrs ago
OK, this may seem a bit weird.

A friend, eversince she read about some zodiac forecast for next year has been pretty depressed as she says her year will be filled with doom, gloom & back-stabbing.

Not being an expert in this field, I didn't know how to react. Tried consoling her but she's a firm believer and whatever I said didn't do much. I was never involved in these stuff but after spending so much time with her, I don't even know what to believe any more!

So I guess there's 2 issues here -

1) How can I pull her out of her misery

2) I may be beginning to believe what she says!

Any advice greatly apprciated.

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tinyteddy 15 yrs ago
1) Find another forecast that is happy and show her.

2) Buy her some growing up pills.

3) Make some new friends.

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GemmaW 15 yrs ago
rititt suggestion sounds good. Some people believe that feng shui will "fix" bad luck.

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Justin Credible (Part Deux) 15 yrs ago
Get her some good luck charms from a Jinja in japan! I dunno...this stuff is related to old school religiosity and superstition and if she is sucked into that vortex already the only way you can combat it is to join the club and get her a gift of super potent good luck bringer...or a super potent bad luck warder off-er!

Research and find the place to get the ultimate pagan good luck charm, like the blue glass eye from Greece or the little good luck packets from Japanese shrines and temples (which by the by are NOT cheap!) Try to be PETA friendly and skip the rabbits foot though, eh? :)

Or get her a bagua (spelling???)...bacua? with a mirror...and bells for her windowsills, the sound of bells clean the air etc....and hmm....potted plants??? They are supposed to be good fung shui. Maybe skip the cactus option though, those things send out arrows of negative chi, or so they say about sharp pointed things *SMH*

Good luck though, you are super awesome to care about your friend this much, but really, superstition and folk religions are hard to give up for most people.

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Syed_Scorpio 15 yrs ago
those who claim to foretell the future don't even whats in store for them the very next minute.

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tradingpostasiaexpat 15 yrs ago
Give her some time...a year or so. She will then feel better.

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Coffee Queen 15 yrs ago
I just think it's lovely for her to have a good friend like you. Thank does make her quite lucky in a way, and I hope she can see this. No works of wisdom from me, but best of luck.

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TheNolanSisters 15 yrs ago
Tell her to take responsibility for her own life, not let some tea-leaf-gazing charlatan dictate her approach to life. Really - think about it. We make hundreds of choices every day, from the simple to the complex and far-reaching. How is it possible that some book can know better than your friend what those choices will be? Nonsense, pure and simple

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JennyTeo 15 yrs ago
Thanks for th advice, support.

BTW, I like that video but i'm not sure my friend will apprciate it! :)

She's still moping..............

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Feng Shui Guy 15 yrs ago
Jenny Teo - I wonder how your friend is getting on?

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Shylok 15 yrs ago
"grow up pills" definitely needed for you friend. help her fight superstition with reality (not with more superstition) or a good smack to the back of the head. If she's dead set on believing it there's no way of changing it.

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JennyTeo 15 yrs ago
She tried to help a friend but that friend turned against her,

she got pickpocketted and lost her wallet with everything in it ,

her landlord evicted her ( actually raised the rent so she had to move out),

The mover's bailed on her last minute,

Bought a lamp but found out a week later she was over charged!

Lent a friend her camera who broke it,

Went on a date & the guy didn't turn up.

Pretty much what went on in her life recently.

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tytellmewhy 15 yrs ago
Tell your friend to

hang in there! I do believe in Karma.

In good years when you may forsee opportunity, don't hesitate; grab your chance and make good fortune, and in less fornatunate years, when limitations and restrictions are necessary, give yourself a break. Proceed with caution, and you can meet with success.

One cannot expect to have 12 good years in every 12 year cycle. Wouldn't you be satisfied with 10 good years out of the 12? Or some may only have one good year but it more than makes up for the 11 less fortune ones. Just hang in there and wait for the good one; life's ups and downs will be leveled-off by hard work and patience.

May good fungshui and fortune be with you ALL.

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Tommyknocker 15 yrs ago
I think Tony Chan might be available for a consultation.

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