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16 yrs ago
found out that my husband and his ex gf are still sending emails, talking and perhaps seeing each other, i dont agree with that at all, he knows it from the start that i am not gonna be happy once i found out so his hiding it..
why would somebody still want to communicate with your ex? specially that both of them is married!
im so pissed off that i need to talk or im goin to burst!
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well ex's can be harmless or just a bit manipulative and like to show that they still have an emotional hold on their man.
if u r not comfortable with it, your husband should respect your feelings and devote himself to making you happy. not living with past memories. tell him to move on or move out.
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16 yrs ago
they dont have kids together, she got (2) her 1st and second husband,
we have 1.
thnx for the response above, i was so mad i thought i was over reacting, but yes it should stop..
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personally I dont see the problem, I can see why he hid the information from you. You are his partner ...but you dont own him and he desnt own you It is out of repect though that he should share that he is in touch with this woman. You may not like it but may have to accept it and le him know that you are uncomfortable with it. Perhaps you could all get together one day so you dont feel so left out? Just a suggestion
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They are not together for a reason, and he is with you and she is with someone else... why are you threatened by it? I would say they are probably just friends, possibly really good ones who are better as friends than lovers. I imagine he didn't tell you because he knew it would upset you. I am friends with lots of my ex's and if my boyfriend had a problem with that I would understand that it is due to insecurities but at the end of the day I can be friends with my friends when that is all they are. I think you need to work out why you are so threatened. Agree with glowing, why not all 4 of you go out together and you never know you might just like her too.
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16 yrs ago
we use to see them once or twice a year.... but it doent make me feel any better.. see, she basically told me everything about there past and it just creeps me out, would suggest what food to cook for my husband because he likes it....
she told me once shes been to a hand reader " thats a person who reads your future by looking at your hand" whatever.... that her relationship with her husband is not goin to last..... what is that suppose to me?... why is she telling me all of these things...
so i stop seeing her
insecurities /threatened ohh yes... i can see that on me quit easy..
i dont feel that my husband is telling me the truth, i dont like this girl and feel shes up to husband seems hapyy/enjoy keping in touch with her who knows who make the move first.. and i dont feel that my husdand is on my side on this issue.. his saying she not doing anything and its not a big deal.. it makes me very upset
Something is wrong with me? all this stupid feeling .. Am I a complete waste of time?
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