divorce between HK and French people

Posted by vincentfromUSA 12 yrs ago

I am from France and my wife is HK people.

We got married in HK 2 years ago without any pre-nuptial agreement.

i own a property in France and she basically only owns stock market shares (and cash)

In case of divorce, what can she get from me? what can i get from her? i apologize in advance if i am not using the right vocabulary but hope that you get my point..

thanks for sharing your experience/knowledge

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CaptDave 12 yrs ago
The first question is juristiction, i.e. where do you divorce. Each jurisdiction will have its own rules, but they will always include all your world wide assets.

Where you file for divorce will normally depend on where you live. In most jurisdictions you must show residence in a country to qualify to file for divorce there. This is to stop people "venue shopping" for the best outcome.

So you need to sort out where you would file first, then look at the rules of that place.

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