Biggest liar

Posted by trix 19 yrs ago
I don't know if there's any point in confronting him. The both of you have already broken up. You might still have some hope of getting back together. Take this to strengthen your resolve to walk out. Frankly, it's not worth it to get into a bitter fight over this. You'd just get more pissed off and take a longer time to heal. So he's a liar, nothing you say will change him. Walk out and don't look back. One day you'd be glad you did.

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MC JUNG 19 yrs ago
maybe they guy never wanted her to answer his phone... we never know...

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julyjade 19 yrs ago
i guess for guys if a lie can avoid the argue and fight then they will do it.

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julyjade 19 yrs ago
Lucky you find out in half and year. And i think it isn't a waste of time. You also had a good time with him right?? Move on and a better one will come along.

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New Jersey 19 yrs ago
manicair, Regardless what people say about invasion of privacy I TOTALLY agree with chonJAY, if you have NOTHING to hide there would be no problem if the partner accessed the phone. Giving him the benefit of the doubt is just a way of us (the other partner) to continue being blind. I have been through that ALL THE WAY. adn you would be shocked to hear some of the things I told myself so as to believe him (He would have just the right answer to any question. Furthermore, he would get offended!!! HILARIOUS!!!! and all along I WAS SO RIGHT. I learned each of my lesson. I do believe in privacy as an individual ut when it comes to a couple there should be a different range.

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New Jersey 19 yrs ago
Although she did not bother to confront him. Sometimes confrontations take you nowhere. I spent years confronting my ex and I all got were logical excuses. I udnerstood as time went by that he had only got better at lying. Thanks God not ALL men are like these two.

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New Jersey 19 yrs ago
It is unfair to think that any of us may have even searched on garbage cans. Just as Manicair said thhere is nothing wrong about answering the phone. In my case, I did never answered his phone. His habits changed and I thought he was into something, because of not SPYING and respecting his PRIVACY it only took me 4 years to find out!!!! He performed the perfect loving husband lotas of calls and regularly going to Guangzhou for "business". We would talk at elast 2 times a day. How could you doubt.I took his word and made an effort to continue trusting him. Secrets do nnot last forever. Destiny made its turn and it was him who gave me her number to call her becuase he had had a problem at the airport!

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mariapiaster 18 yrs ago

No this is not a generalisation of the male population but my ex bf (want to vent).

Last Sat nite, I called him to catch up as he got back from holiday early. He was cool with doing something with me that nite, either dinner or drinks.

Anyway he txt me at 8:15pm to say that he was just on his way home & had dinner with a mate so we decided on doing drinks instead, so he said to have drinks at his place.

Got to his place later and we watched a dvd over drinks, mostly non-alcoholic ones.

He's phone then beeped (received a txt), later his phone rang and he was in the bathroom so as I used to answer his phone, thought it would be ok and it was a woman on the other line... funny enough, she was the ex ex GF (one b4 me), who he apparently told me when we 1st got together that she had left the Country and moved back to the U.K.. her number is clearly a HK one so I politely told her that he was unavailable then she hanged up.

I then (i know this is wrong of me) but I checked he's inbox on the phone and realised he's got messages from her and kept in in the inbox for months (HK no as well)! her last message was that she thanked him for dinner that nite!

Whatsmore he even got 2 other girls messages stored in his phone and I knew of their names as he said they were his friends when we were together but the messages was FAR TOO FRIENDLY to be just friends!

I then left his place without saying a word...He tried to call but I avoid them all.

I'm so glad that we are over and I was relieved before Sat nite but now that I see this side of him, it makes me think that we never had a 'moment' together, it was not special, I feel like I was being used!

I have in the right mind to really b*tch slap him! - Do I get the nod for doing such a thing?!

(I am based in Hong Kong)



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adlib_entertainment 18 yrs ago
What a total breach of privacy, just cuz he has messages from other girls doesnt mean he's cheating on you... when text messages come in, you can never tell the tone of it, how do you that the messages werent just sarcastic messages, and dinner... my god so what? its just dinner. I have had dinner with lots of other women during a relationship, its nothing like cheating on someone when you just have dinner.

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adlib_entertainment 18 yrs ago
bastard has an "R" in it... just thought id bring it up. id also like to say that my comments have no hate or bad intentions, im just simply expressing my ideas, beliefs and opinions.

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wisedup 18 yrs ago
i dun thk wht manicair did was wrong. i respected my ex and trusted him with all my heart even though he was always so secretive abt his mobile. i've never checked or read his msgs. one month back, he just dumped me stating some stupid excuse. now i feel stupid. worse, devastated because i feel dumped and i always cant help but wonder if its cos of another woman.

manicair did wht she cld to proteect herself. what she did may not be right but the facts proved that she did the right thing. i dun get angry when my partner checks my phone. i've nothing to hide. unless he does it incessantly and for no rhyme or reason, then thats a different story. from another perspective, her ex is the jerk cos he knew that she trusted him and he is buying the hope that she will not check his phone. in my opinion, he is the one who betrayed her trust in him. thk she did the right thing.

manicair, i hope u are doing fine now..

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Bhoy 18 yrs ago
Two wrongs don't make a right. Any man with something to hide is bad news but from a guy's point of view any woman who feels the need to invade some guy's privacy is equally bad news. I went out with someone who read all my notebooks, broke into my email etc etc. That was 8 years ago. Two years ago she asked where it all went wrong. I didn't reply directly but I know it was because of snooping. Never ever ever trust a girl who snoops. They can justify themselves all they want but I would never go out with that type. And if it turns out they do start doing the insecure girl thing and start snooping - dump them and run away. Fast.

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ScotchDrinker 18 yrs ago
manicair, I know exactly why you did what you did and how you must have felt at the time... suffice to say, it is my opinion that you've done nothing wrong. PS Liars never change.

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chen234158 17 yrs ago
you did the right thing, girl!

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agreen 17 yrs ago
My 2cents worth... once you're in a relationship with someone who has a history of cheating (even though it's not with you) and you feel like something is wrong and you snoop and you find something that indicates that person is cheating... well, it's easy to snoop again when in another relationship.

Yes, don't judge the new guy by the old guy... but the fact remains that if you have a bad feeling or feel like your bf isn't telling you the truth or is holding back something... then doesn't that drive you to snoop? And, if you find something while snooping, doesn't that support your actions? Not saying it's 'right' just saying that it works both ways, I don't think a woman would snoop unless she had due reason to ...

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Pupalicious 17 yrs ago
I think you should contact the girl who called and find out which restaurant they went to... it sounds like this guy was in the toilet for a long time if you had enough time to read all those text messages. If he was in the toilet that long, I suggest not going to the restaurant he went to.

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abnormality 17 yrs ago
hahaha. true indeed pupalicious.

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