Salary Advice - what's fair?

Posted by HKForGood 16 yrs ago
Emmm - education is one of those industries which is recession proof. Sounds to me like you employer is taking advantage of the situation (very shrewd in my opinion). I'd mention that you are doing part time work and "in these difficult times" need all the extra cash. Its an employers market at the moment but I'd look for work at an international/private school (the pay is 2-3 times what they are paying you).

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evildeeds 16 yrs ago
"but I'd look for work at an international/private school (the pay is 2-3 times what they are paying you)."

Actually a common misconception based on the reports of highly paid teachers in ESF a few years ago. A friend of mine, working in a well known international only earns $25,000 / month, similar to a NET I also know in the local system. Considering the work he puts in his wage is lower per hour that a learning centre - go figure..

Education is not recession proof - parents have no money then they look at cheaper options or cut out all courses. Just the way it is!

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ABSN 16 yrs ago
You can also review the pay range HK govt offers to NET teachers nd use that as a benchmark. It is on the HKGOV website. Salary negoiation is a very sensitive issue; understanding the mindset and the underlying factors play an important part in successfully negotiating the package. Private companies pay different salaries for similar work so do your homework well.

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purefit 16 yrs ago
How does one find part-time teaching assignments? Are they easy to find to earn some extra cash for housewives with a TESOL degree and a business bachelors?

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ayuchan 16 yrs ago
Teaching is a good profession in Hong Kong but now the pay is decressing as many parents are cutting down on everything and trying to save more money. I think you are lucky to be able to get 18k for 40hrs as most ppl in Hong Kong have to work for longer hours and less pay. As an expat myself I know I earn more than the local teachers in my school and i they also work longer hours with more duties. Sometimes I think English teachers( NETs) should think about how much money would they make if they were in their own country and no matter where you live you still have to pay for your living and family. As for the NET scheme by the govenment the package is good if your good enough to be lucky to be accecpted to work for the scheme.

Anyways, I think your lucky to have a job as I know may NETs and others are having a difficult time getting a job and many have moved out of HK.

Best of luck in whatever you decide to do !

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