breaking contract before it's started

Posted by Shylok 15 yrs ago
As an employer, what could be done or written in the contract to deter or penalize an "employee" who has signed a future (starting in 3-4 months) employment contract from not honouring it. The most common reason of course is that they have found something better.

And if something is put in the contract, how would you practically enforce it when the situation does arise?

There's no perfect method, but just wondering what other employers do to prevent this from happening?

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Oski 15 yrs ago
The quick answer is no.

Employment in modern societies are "at will", meaning the employee is free to quit as he/she wishes.

The employer can require a reasonable notice period (this period must be paid.) however, for employment not yet started, this would not make much sense.

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Shylok 15 yrs ago
Sadly, I was coming to the same conclusion. So before employment has starts the time in between is a free for all.

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HKexpatz 15 yrs ago
Hi. I was once given a contract with a clause that stated that if either party(i.e. employer or employee) decides to dishonor the contract after signing (but prior to commencing work), that party would be liable to pay the affected party the equivalent of one months salary.

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