Being asked to work before official start date

Posted by boloh 11 yrs ago
Hi everyone,

In a nutshell, my current company started asking me to get involved with project work about 1 month before my official start date.

I have two questions please:

1) Is this legal? I still have the email thread around this as a record.

2) If I get laid off, do I have the right to ask for some compensation (e.g. asking to leave 1 month earlier, or ask for extra 1 month pay) to make up for what is effectively a 1-month extra free work?


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boloh 11 yrs ago
Hi, and thanks for your comment.

I am not a permanent resident, but I was employed by another company at that time under their work visa.

So basically as soon as I accepted the offer the new company started asking for my involvement in the project while I was still employed by the old company in Hong Kong...

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afshop 11 yrs ago
When you said the new employer was asking for your involvement in a project, did it mean they wanted you to actually go to their office to work or just prepare yourself in advance (e.g. read some background materials about the project)?

Officially speaking, this is illegal, but if the latter, they might just want you to be more expedient in taking up your role in the project.

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LMJAAZ 11 yrs ago
If its purely reading to bone up for something when you start seems harmless. If they are asking you to produce something in this one month period it's not legal. Plus if the latter is the case seems like this company has got you by the balls. Why are you letting them rape you of one months of pay?

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