Coming to start my biz in hk

Posted by dianechambers614 11 yrs ago
Hey guys, I will be moving to Hong Kong in the coming few months. I have never been to Hong Kong before and I would like to also set up a working visa so I could stay there. I already have my own start up, and I would like to move that all over. I would like to know what will be the considerations for the immigration department for granting my visa. Will I also require an office address in Hong Kong in order to be granted a visa?


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ciaomein 11 yrs ago
Hey Dianee,

Since you're starting/relocating a business, I think what you'll want to apply for is an "Investment" visa, not an employment visa. There are several things the Immigration dept look for when you lodge an application, but the 3 most important are (1) how much capital are you investing in your business (2) the amount of local jobs your business will create (3) your credentials and experience.

The good news is starting a business in Hong Kong is quite easy. Just apply for a small business license first.

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dianechambers614 11 yrs ago
Thanks Ciaomein

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scorpio01 11 yrs ago
if you are already in HK then drop me a line, we can meet for coffee

i have walked this path a few years back..

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Laluna Vivienne 11 yrs ago

Ciao Mein is correct about the Investment Visa. I would also like to add that you need a Hong Kong resident to act as a 'sponsor'. The sponsor signs a guarantee to be responsible for certain aspects such as the cost of your repatriation. The sponsor also must state briefly how he/she knows you in the application, and what his/her profession is. I am a sponsor for a friend who is has recently started is start up here in Hong Kong. The process has taken a few months so far. My friend came over in April to get the business started, but is fully reliant on his HK-resident partner to formally run the business. He is shadow managing the business on a tourist visa in the interim.

I would be happy to be a sounding board if you would like so feel free to message me.

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charmant200147 11 yrs ago
Hi Dianee,

Hong Kong is a great place, you will love it for sure!

As per visa, if you do not have a full time job with a HK company, but want to establish your own — you need to apply for investment visa. ( there are two types of them, one is with huge capital investment, second with outstanding business plan and idea); another options is to get QMAS which is a quality immigration program, so you collect points for age, education, language skills, etc. Clearly a much faster and better option for you is Investment ( the one with a great business plan/idea). More info on visas are at government website

If you decide to go with it, then you need to travel to HK, get your business plan sorted and written, funds secured, register a company here, collect all the docs and apply. I would suggest to go through a visa consultant. They do cost a bit, but way more effective and save time.

To register a company here, also either go with a cheap local provider for about 1000 USD, or with a professional one that would charge around 2,500 USD. Again, I would advice to go with quality, because these people will be your “company secretary” and lead all government related communication/enquiries, so you want them to know their thing.

The plan— come to HK first, register the company, sort out the visa agent, while relocating and establishing business operations here, — work on your visa.

When you are in HK, just drop a line, would be happy to give a couple more tips.

Warmest Regards,

Ashley Galina Dudarenok

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centreo 10 yrs ago
Employment Visa and Investment Visa are basically the same, which is debatable. I deal with many cases of Investment Visas and the process is very similar in terms of setting up a business and applying through in that way.

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