A novel visa problem...

Posted by Old Sarum 14 yrs ago
My friend from the mainland is currently studying for a Master's degree in Hong Kong. Upon graduation she will be eligible for an IANG (non-local graduate) visa which permits you to work freely. She also has an offer of work waiting for her.

So far so good but the problem is her university doesn't release her transcripts until after the 20th August and it will take about a week to get the IANG processed. The job offer she has starts on 7th August (she finishes her studies in July).

Her current student visa specifically says that she can work freely during university holidays which are stated as all of July and August. This would suffice until she gets the IANG except that her current visa expires on the 19th August and (according to immigration) any extension would not permit her to work leaving a gap of about 10 days.

The obvious solution of starting work at the end of August is not desirable because the job is with a school and obviously they want her there at the start of term.

Is there any precedent of immigration granting temporary permission to work in unusual cases?

Any suggestions gratefully received.

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Philly Cheese 14 yrs ago
Speak to Immigration, they know best.

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