Is a degree crucial for a job?

Posted by Ed 12 yrs ago

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Pudding-delight 12 yrs ago
Spain's like France, since 2007, the media didn't report it, that's where the difference is. French employers want perfect candidates that fit with ideals only they know about. So say you got all the skills for the job, and say you thought they actually liked you, well that doesn't guarantee anything. I wonder if they actually really recruit at times.

And I believe experience is worth a lot more than a degree, but to gain valuable experience in a field you might need to create the opportunity yourself, if there's no opportunity.

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Gee Whiz 12 yrs ago
experience comes in very handy when solving familiar problems

but when it comes to solving novel problems, then reverting to first principles become key

and this where a university degree comes in handy

thus for jobs where there is little or no possibility for novel or unusual situations to present themselves, then experience will do

however, in jobs where situationsa are less structured and repetitive and more fluid, then the ability to revert to first principles become important

a university degree gives one a set of tools, it does not teach one everything, but with a set of tools, a person can go on building

all subjects at university level requires one to think and solve problems, it is this process of deduction and/or induction that is of the greatest value to an individual

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