Are Hong Kong fintechs really that bad to work for?

Posted by PSR_AXP 20 mths ago

Hong Kong is undoubtedly a massive space for fintech; a 2022 study by InvestHK estimated there are over 500 fintech startups operating in the city. In the 2023 eFinancialCareers global fintech report, 90% of Hong Kong based respondents said they wanted to work in fintech, more than respondents in London, New York and Frankfurt. However, there are concerns that Hong Kong fintech jobs may not be quite as desirable from the inside.

At many of the most valuable Hong Kong fintechs, online employee reviews are quite underwhelming. ZA Bank, for example, Hong Kong's biggest digibank, has a Glassdoor rating of just 2.7 stars for Hong Kong employees, with 2023 reviews criticizing the "heavy workload," as well as "poor management, location and structure." One review does say, "the benefits are overall acceptable."
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