Banking JOb advise

Posted by dimps 13 yrs ago

I moved to HK with my husband. Earlier was working in a private bank (Retail branch banking) for 5 years. Here also I would like to join a bank but even after 2/3 months of trying to send resumes to HK banks ( getting calls only from insurance companies ) and even going to the branches for knowing and talking to the branch ppl for any job opening, I have come to the conclusion that language is a big concern . So need to know :

1. Is it possible to get any back office job or some english speaking job with branch banking exp and how can i do that ?

2. Should I opt for further education . If yes then which University and course. So that I can get placed from there itself.

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dimps 12 yrs ago
Yeah its so difficult...u also trying for banking jobs?

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