Colon Hydrotherapy?

Posted by Nyonya 21 yrs ago
Hi all.

Has anyone of you heard of the above, or personally gave it a shot?

I've been diagnosed with IBS - Irritable Bowel Syndrome for as long as I can remember. Long term IBS can possibly lead to Colon Cancer, particularly if it's in your family history.

I'm out to tackle this problem as much as I can, and keen to learn more about Colon Hydrotherapy.

Any advice?


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scorp 20 yrs ago
oyster sad sandra MJ & hero,

Many of the other places there are Support groups for IBS , didnt come across any in singapore. If u guys are intrested we can meet over chat\in person .

Wht do u say...

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scorp 20 yrs ago
Iam suffering from IBS for past couple of years. Seen different gastros from diff countries.Found DR Gwee of Gleneagles quite good. He did is research in IBS and is the president of IBS society Singapore.

IF u are changing docs ,he definitely worth consideration.

Tried colon cleansing, but is not a long term solution.Things return back to original state in a week or two. It also kills lot of the friendly bacteria.Make sure that u take probiotics if going for frequent cleansing.

Good Luck


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Matilda 20 yrs ago
IBS can be a debilitating syndrome, but it will NOT increase the risks for developing colon cancer. If however colon cancer occurs in your family, the risks may be increased and early detection by scope examination may be recommended (discuss with your doctor).

Hydrotherapy is a form of alternative medicine. There is no research evidence that it helps in IBS. I believe that Colonic irrigation has a popular following in Hong Kong, and in experienced hands the risk of

complications will be very small.

Usually doctors do not recommend Colonic Irrigation as treatment for IBS, as there are many -proven- alternative ways of dealing with IBS. Maybe you can

get advice from patients who have tried it before embarking on Colonic Irrigation.

Matilda International Hospital

Hong Kong

2849 0328

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scorp 20 yrs ago
thks hero and oyster

Seems like most of the members are from HK .Meanwhile if any singaporeans interested ,do drop in a line.



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QQQ 19 yrs ago
hi there

i am actually in singapore and i am looking for an enema bag

can one buy this from hydrohealth????

please let me know

cheers :)

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teenytiny 19 yrs ago
This is how I became more regular after 2 years of really bad IBS:

-Do yoga (or anything meditative or relaxing)

-Do a variety of exercises, really mix it up

-Don't eat too much fibre, everyone always jumps straight to 'eat more fibre' with any bowel problems, but if you have LBS, fibre will just make you more bloated and gassy

-Have your doctor prescribe you Zelmac (Teagaserod), I'm on 6mg twice a day

-Drink green tea

-As difficult as this last one is, DON'T let it stress you out ... it's a catch-22, the more you stress, the worse it gets ...

Good luck.

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