Breast exams - pls recommend DR

Posted by gooddr 20 yrs ago
I've recently noticed a small lump in my breast and want to get it checked out by a good female doctor pref in central/HK island area? pref trained overseas as I am from Aust. and would feel more comfortable with an english speaking/trained Dr.

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Mrs Mopp 20 yrs ago
I'd highly recommend Dr Christine Choy at Care for Women in Central (tel 3112 0480). She was trained in the UK and speaks excellent English. Hope all proves to be well.

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Matilda 20 yrs ago
As a hospital we can not recommend doctors as they may get into trouble with the medical council. The majority of lumps ladies find are harmless, but you should get checked out as soon as possible. Should you need advice please feel free to call me.

Lynne (RGN) - 2849 0328

Matilda International Hospital

Hong Kong

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freshair323 20 yrs ago
I did the breast exam and also preformed the operation for the lumps of both of my breasts at the end of last year. The breast clinic Director in Union Hosp is very good, her clinic in TST and very close to MTR. Still want to her contact or the charges for my previous exam and operation, can click my name and email me privately

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