
Posted by Cutmenutsoff 20 yrs ago
I've decided to take the burden of conception off my partner and get a vasectomy. She is supportive and I have discussed this with my GP. Has anyone had any experiences (positive & negative) with Doctors in Hong Kong. Can anyone recommend a Doctor and the estimated costs involved?

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Cutmenutsoff 20 yrs ago
CONCEPTION should read CONTRACEPTION. Talk about a Freudian slip :-)

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docboat 20 yrs ago
Dr. Donald Greig is a good choice - 2715 4577. His nurse can tell you the expected charges.

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Matilda 20 yrs ago
The hospital charges for a standard room are HK5000 under a local anaethetic or HK$7500 under a general anaesthetic. This does not include doctor or aneasthetist charges as they set there own and requires a day stay in hospital.

If I can help further please feel free to contact me.

Lynne - 2849 0328

Matilda International Hospital

Hong Kong

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diamond 20 yrs ago
If you want to do it cheap I have heard you can go to the FPC in Wanchai. I am sending my husband their soon. I had my last baby in the public system recently and he was a bargain at $150! Can't imagine they would charge much to cutyournutsoff!

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persimmon 19 yrs ago
Cutmenutsoff: why didn't i marry someone like you all those years ago? What a dear dear man you are and I haven't even met you. But the silence from all the other men out there is deafening. Only docboat - I presume you are male, tho you don't actually say your recommendation comes from experience of the incredibly-personal type.

Come on fellas, share your little secrets. we girls share our gynae problems all the time AND you get to read about them. G'aaaaarn. Spit it out and give us the low-down. you'll feel better for it afterwards. Just think back to that kind male doctor who sympathised with you afterwards, ... and how much you paid him for the privilege. We girls who are spending hours in persuasive time-wasting mode will thank you for it. Instead we could just leave little notes around the house and in the contraceptive drawer: "Dr smith ph 123-456 $6,000. guaranteed painless". "Dr Chan ph 654-321 $5,000. All over in an hour"

The challenge is issued.

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Dr Moreton 19 yrs ago
Just a point of vocabulary--- There is NO nuts cutting off involved. Just cutting a passage-way.

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persimmon 19 yrs ago
Listen pumpkin pie, I've been taking care of this stuff for close to 20 years and I consider I've been responsible for it long enough. Some couples do actually plan to stay together all their lives. My husband doesn't want any more kids having had 4 of them now. Neither do I. Should he ever remarry having become a widower he would run a mile from any woman who wanted kids. So take your opinions off to a different thread, this one is for people who are realists.

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Dr Moreton 19 yrs ago

One option is that before having the vasectomy you have some sperm frozen.

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Dr Moreton 19 yrs ago
Although that has led to some interesing legal issues. Guy gives the sperm--has it frozen-- then dies--- girl friend appears--- says the sperm was promissed to her--- legal heirs object.

Big pay day for the lawyers!

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dimac4 19 yrs ago
Well Pumpkin you need to be more choosy with your second hand husbands if you want children.

Maybe it should be your first question after he buys you a drink.."so, are you fertile??" That will sort the serious ones out and cut down on time wastage and broken hearts for you.

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dimac4 19 yrs ago
re 2nd hand husband? What about the term 'used'?

Used cars have already had more than one owner, as do 2nd hand goods...are spouses owners of the others heart? They give their hearts away (or love) so they are gifts - to keep, to have, to hold - owned?

So if they are owned then they are no longer new - they are used...

Just some silly thoughts....

People make decisions on the best knowledge they have at the time, I am sure if people knew they would be getting divorced or seperating through death in the near future it may some sway some peoples decisions, but usually when people have had enough children they know it.

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dimac4 19 yrs ago
Getting married and having children are different and cannot be compared. I know I would not want any more children to anyone, but my husband is still open to the idea - so he has not allowed himself to be coerced into being permanently altered at this point.

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LAH 19 yrs ago
Pumpkin just had to reply.

"Women should get an IUD fitted instead for long term FP"

Well my number three was an IUD baby and when I was shocked by this heard lots of stories about people becoming pregnant with an IUD insitu. Perhaps it is not so permanent or long term as you may be thinking.

From what I know vasectammy is final as with tubal ligation. Not all men wish to run off and need to keep there options open.

In a loving relationship, post children permanent sterilization actually brings about a new kind of sexual freedom!

Sorry that in the process "heaps of women like you are potentially having their choice to have kids removed"

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dimac4 19 yrs ago
But what is the rate of cancer?? Ovarian, cervical etc there is a foreign body inside the body. I know of two people who have the Mirena who have also had ovarian cancer...coincidence?... maybe...maybe not...

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dimac4 19 yrs ago
I am not a medical person - I just brought up the experiences to demonstrate that it could be linked - not that it is.

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cd 19 yrs ago
I can't believe Matilda is charging that much for the snip, I know several men here who have had it done, infortunatley didn't ask for any details as to where, but it seems the average cost was $400. We started looking into it vaguely a couple of years ago and was quoted $1k, with a couple of interviews before hand, including one with the wife as she had to give her "permission'for the op to go ahead. Never followed it through though so can't be more exact. Perhaps your local GP or hospital would be a good place to start for info.

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dimac4 19 yrs ago
Apparently you can make an appointment with the Family Planning Clinic - a few months weight but it is alot cheaper than the private hospital - I suppose it come down to how much trust is required for the family jewels - which don't need any more family.

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TimB 19 yrs ago
We have two children and will have no more. The decision was made to have the surgery, but I could not get it done before leaving the US.

Any info on having this done in Shanghai? Some say to just wait until I get back to the US. Others say the Chinese are probably more experienced at it than the Americans anyhow (someone mentioned a laser method?). I frankly am not impressed with the medical facilities here, so it does make me a bit nervous.

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Dr Moreton 19 yrs ago

Write to me---

I can tell you about Vasectomy in general and at Shanghai United Family Hospital.You can divide the vas with a variety of methods, scalpel, scisors ,laser etc. However that is not the essential element in the operation.

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