Injured Tendon

Posted by kiwozzie 19 yrs ago
About 2 months ago I damaged an ankle tendon while jogging. I think it was a combo of...old trainers, running on concrete, & restarting jogging after a break of a few years. I didn't twist the ankle, or feel it happen, but for 2 months now, have had great difficulty walking , & the swelling is still present.

I did present to a GP, & despite my explaining how it happened & letting him know I can't walk far his only advice to me was "stop jogging".

Has anyone had a similar problem, & if so how long did it take to remedy itself? Im not able to go out much now , as walkingis uncomfortable, & then the swelling really kicks in, so wearing footwear is very problematic.

Am loathe to visit another GP esp. if it is just a "time will heal it" thing.

For exercise now, am using a stationary bike for an hour a day, but otherwise am pretty much sedentary.

Any thoughts please?

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juicer 19 yrs ago
See a physio or a podiatrist who specialises in gait.

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docboat 19 yrs ago
Get a better GP - if this is the quality for such a problem, then heaven help you if there are serious issues. Meanwhile, check out Sports Performance as specialists in the field in Central, and get some physio (which they have too, but basically any good physio with an interest in sports medicine)

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kiwozzie 19 yrs ago
Thanks for your replies & advice everyone...good advice!

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Lisaloupen 19 yrs ago
Hello this message if from Dr David Stirling... "It depends on what the injury is; i.e. is it the Achilles? His age and what he expects to be able to do. However, anti-inflammatory and strapping plus active physiotherapy may be all that is required, but if the Achilles is damaged it can become serious and snap. What is needed is an accurate diagnosis." If you want to caht further with him, please call our office at 2849 7822. We are in Central, near Lan Kwai Fong.

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kiwozzie 19 yrs ago
Hi Lisa,

it would appear it is Peroneal tendonitis..have not undertaken physio, but have been wearing (off & on) elastic bandage, R.I.C.E. , Anti-inflammatory ointment,

as well as Anti-inflamm. tablets (GP prescibed).

Am prone to (hereditary) oedema also, which, when it is humid, certainly doesn't help matters!

Px is 47, female.


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Scutdog1 19 yrs ago
I play alot of basketball and over the years, my teamates and I have alot of injuries. Some were competitive athletes, some were doctors, some were both. The above advice helps but there is nothing but time and rest. Yes you can take anti-inflamatories (BEFORE you run), ice it down for the first 24 hrs then heat after that, that would limit continue damage but continue damage is being done.

Bottom line, you can't have everything you want in life, sometimes things just suck. Even the pros have to quit playing; sometimes for 1-2 years.

Your GP is probably right. It may not be the answer you want and if you look hard enough, you will ALWAYS find someone who will tell you what you want to long as you pay them.

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