shall i take the medication or not?

Posted by sheep 19 yrs ago
HI, Have you tried herbal tablets?, I after 6 yrs of taking antideprassants 14 weeks ago, to bgin with was awful the side affects of coming off them, was dizzy, sweats, couldnt even think straight, i got past the worse part and had to wait 10 weeks b4 taking anything herbal, but got some herbal drops to put on my tongue when things are bad and also take may other herbal tablets to help with depression and so far feeling good.

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gogosam 19 yrs ago
For Acupuncture, you may want to contact Quality Chinese Medical Centee in Central or Causeway Bay. You can check out their web site at

The appointment number is 2881 8267

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dimac4 19 yrs ago
Ruth - that is a pretty flippant remark - these things you mention may help but sometimes depression is a chemical imbalance that outside influences just can't change.

Something that has been found to be beneficial is Omega -3 - either thought the capsules or flax seed oil. I suffer from depression, and certainly know it if I miss my dose. It has also helped people with bipolar, and other depressions. Give it a go - it is also good for all round health too.

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Meiguoren 19 yrs ago
While depression is something that must be taken seriously, I don't think Ruth's remark is flippant at all. There was a recent double blind study reported in some respectable journal (I can't remember which journal) and the conclusion was that exercise is about as effective as drugs in treating mild depression. It literally changes brain chemistry. Changes in diet and doing community service contribute to well being also (e.g. think in terms of how "rational emotive therapy" works). But for long term depression that is resistant to cognitive therapy, or if somebody won't stick with the exercise program, meds may be the only way to get solid help.

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