Dentist costs in Bejing or China

Posted by Dragon Slayer 18 yrs ago
Hi I am tryin g to find out some research for my book on China. I need to find out what hospitals like Bejing United Family or Bayley and Jackson are charging for various dental treatments. Does anyone know where I can obtain their cost sheet from. I tried to contact them directly but anyone would think it was a trade secret because they won't tell me...any help would be most appreciated

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Dragon Slayer 18 yrs ago
Thanks Ruth I will do just that.

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DALONG 18 yrs ago
I need a bridge fitted after extraction.Upper

left fifth tooth in from the front.Any idea

of the cost and length of treatment.

I will be in Shanghai early next year.


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closefriends 18 yrs ago
Global HealthCare in Shanghai: 3F, Kerry Center, 1515 Nanjing Rd. W.: 021-5298-6339.

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