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18 yrs ago
Best to freeze them off by a doc. A bit dangerous to DIY on the neck.
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I dunno exactly what these are, what size or how deeply embedded in skin. If they're just tiny little things, you might be able to scrape them off yourself with a very sharp (and clean) fingernail. You have to get all of it, and get the root, or it will grow back. If this doesn't sound feasible or like something you're comfortable with (it will bleed), get a doctor to look at it. I personally would rather get a dermatologist to use his zapper to zap it off rather than let a GP freeze it off, simply because the zapper thing is so much more precise. (Okay, it's a laser not a zapper, to me it seems to burn less area and leave less scar.)
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The quickest and most efficient way is to ask your GP to ‘cauterise’ these under local anaesthesia.
Matilda Health Centre - 2849 1500
Matilda International Hospital
Hong Kong
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