
Posted by zoob 18 yrs ago
Does anyone know where can I find the "Solyptol", an antiseptic cream from Austrila, or any other kind of cream which consists "Benzalkonium Chloride"? I heard this help for skin problem and healing.

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Claire 18 yrs ago
Depends where you want to put it.

In HK, you can find Oilatum Plus emollient (bath)which has 6%. And one of the QV bath products.

Mycil (Boots) for ringworm and athlete's foot in ointment and powder.

A contraceptive sponge.

And a couple of gels for mouth ulcers.

Possibly Calaben cream and lotion which is a topical Antihistamine/Antipruritic.

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Moonrock 18 yrs ago
Once you know the active ingredient you can just find it in this Asian on line database

However it is a bit technical as I think it is meant for doctors

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zoob 18 yrs ago
Tks for both, it's been very helpful.

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