falling hair

Posted by fealty123 18 yrs ago
any solution for the falling hair?

which shampoo is the best to stop it?

hoping for your suggestions

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MayC 18 yrs ago
Ooo, I get this too. I think there's a shop in Shatin called Keratese that can help with this. It's near City Super.

I did speak to my GP about it and he mentioned that stress can do that too.

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fm2k7 18 yrs ago
thanks for your reply..i admit i am overstressed too..take care n happy weekend..

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Ruth in Canada 18 yrs ago
It's quite common for expats to China to have hair loss. I met quite a few who were experiencing it in Guangzhou.

I really don't think shampoo will help. Eat healthy foods and try to relax...it grows back in eventually.

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190k 18 yrs ago
Try a hair tonic from the UK called Slivikrin. It worked for me when I was going through a lot of stress and had big bald patches (alopicia or something like that)

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190k 18 yrs ago
Did not buy it in HK a friend brought some for me from UK possibly Boots stocked it

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Pinghuin 17 yrs ago
hey! try some vitamins Selenium plus Zinc. 2 pills a day for a month...after that, suplement 1 pill Iron for the next 10 days. You should get balanced like this.

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