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17 yrs ago
I seem to fret about situations and let them get totally out of control. Basic things that upset me run around and around in my head gathering speed to the point of it becoming all consuming and all absorbing. I see a good therapist - she calls it catastrophizing. Despite all sorts of help and reading, I cant seem to get off the treadmill and let go...bad things that happen years ago are in my head every moment as though I am living them here and now. Any suggestions. I am afraid it is quietly driving me crazy. As a bit of background, I had bad PND some five years ago. Could it be hormonal? Please help. Any suggestions appreciated. Thanks.
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Pick up some books on NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) from the local library. Good range if you go online and search for NLP. Not so many in local bookshops but the "Neuro-linguistic programming for Dummies" book is good. Many NLP books can be confusing.
Understanding how your brain and emotions work will help you. Don't fret. Perfectly natural. Just train yourself to get good feelings to replace the bad. Relax.
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I am a very "stressy" person, suffer from insomnia and also had PND. I am a natural worrier and always have been and as you I find it hard to switch off, hence the insomnia, not to mention 20 years worth of migraines! I have done many things over the years to try to get things under control.
One treatment I found to work the best is hypnotherapy. It really did change my life, you have got to want to do it and get better and believe it will help and it will. I could never travel through a tunnel or fly without panic attacks and before I moved over to HK, I underwent more hypno and I can now go through tunnels (still don't like it, but I certainly don't freak out anymore) and the same with flying.
I agree it could also be hormonal as I used to suffer terrible PMT and my doctor put me on anti-depresents which I hated, and only lasted one month. it was then that I sought hypnotherapy.
Good Luck, there is nothing worse than feeling like this.
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17 yrs ago
Thank you so much for all your suggestions and sharing experiences. Will keep you posted. My psychologist has recommended a book on CBT (cognitive behavioral therapy) and will take on board your suggestions. Thanks again. P.
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Julien at Balance Health (tel. 2530-3315) is a good hypnotherapist (and regression therapist too)
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