Bleeding nose.. pls advice

Posted by Garland Lady 17 yrs ago
Dear All,

I have a problems with my nose for so many years and I did the health check up where all the results are just fine. The problems with my nose it will be bleeding so much (like water) not due to the weather but when I get stress out to much.

For the past 1 year this not happened not untill this morning when I was a sleep and I feel like some water come out from my nose. When I open my eyes.. all full with blood.

Is there anyone have this kind of problems as me and to be honest it's really scared me when see lots of blood like this.

Thank you so very much. Any advice will be appreciated!

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Matilda 17 yrs ago
Common problem. Often caused by some frail bloodvessesl in the nose. A simple cautery of the blood vessels will often cure the problem. Done by ENT specialist.

Matilda Medical Centre - 2537 8500

9 Queen's Road Central

Matilda International Hospital

Hong Kong

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Garland Lady 17 yrs ago
Thank you so much for the info.. will do some check for ENT too.

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rowboat 17 yrs ago
I have experienced a similar issue would happen a couple of times a year while I was in the US. I was concerned as it was a steady stream of blood, but never happened when I was sleeping. My doctor checked it out and said it was nothing serious and to apply a dab of Neosporin/Polysporin to the upper, inside of the nostril when I felt I was going to have a nosebleed. I could always tell as the upper portion of my nose would be stuffed up right before. I haven't had any issues for over a year.

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