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17 yrs ago
I recently started getting a skin rash on my upper arm that is red, burning, and looks like scratch marks. My Fiance said its from an insect called "gioi leo" that looks like a small, silver leech and excretes some kind of poison from its body and this is causing my rash. I have searched all over the web and find NOTHING in English, nor anything matching my symptoms.
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sounds like u r saying gwailo...which means non Chinese in Cantonese...odd
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It says the OP is based in Vietnam, perhaps the name is in Vietnamese and not Cantonese?
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I have no idea what the word is, but I think that the condition is scabies.
It is cause by mites that bury under the skin and poops in it. Most people are allerigic to it and thus you start itching and yes it's a red bumpy rash. It is commonly seen in skinfold areas such as the armpit. In childern, it's often find in the webbing of the fingers.
You get rid of it by using a anti-insect lotion that you can get at the drug store. Of course the poop is under the skin so that it would take a few days after you kill the mites before you get better. In the meantime, you apply steroid creams to the area for symptomatic relief.
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try using apple cider vinegar, dub a little on your cotton pads after bath. I had
skin rash that won't go away till I have used apple cider vinegar and it work.
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