
Posted by mazatooni 15 yrs ago

My daughter (19) has been diagnosed with a generalised anxiety disorder and has been prescribed some mild anti depressants. I know that these on their own will not be an answer and that she will need other strategies/help/support. Does anyone else out there know of anyone in Hong Kong who can further help? Open to counselling, life coaching, NLP, Cognitive therapy anything really that has helped. I just need a good recommendation. Thanks so much

(I am based in Hong Kong)

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Lime 15 yrs ago
I have a daughter who suffered from GAD when she was 19 also. The most effective treatment is Cognitive Behavioural Therapy . PM me if you need help finding this.

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unsub 15 yrs ago
Agree with Lime

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beans1985 15 yrs ago
I see Dr Helen Poon of OT&P clinics in Wanchai, she's really good and easy to talk with look at some article on their website maybe this would help

Good luck!

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divaglamorous 14 yrs ago
If she still suffers from anxiety and you're seeking other alternatives, try natural products from Holistic Central and they also have an excellent psychotherapist Dr Sharmeen Shroff

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cheekybali 14 yrs ago
Hi there,

Actually, I'm myself very interested in finding a good NLP practitioner here in HKg and if I could get some idea of the cost, it 'd wonderful!


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bonhomme 14 yrs ago

I've been going to Dr Sharmeen for my anxiety issues but I also hear that her colleague Angela Cummins is doing a new therapy based on NLP and Hypno...maybe that might help?

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peter607 14 yrs ago
Hi there,

Acupuncture and herbal medicine is very effective and can cure the anxiety for good. I know a few acupuncture dr's in HK if you need a referral.

I know this because I am an acupuncturist in the states and I treat many anxiety patients and they are able to get better, feel better, get off medication and be healthy and happy after my treatments.

Please let me know if you have any questions. chinesemedicine [at]

I'd be glad to help or answer any concerns you may have.

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jacvid 14 yrs ago
I have been teaching Buteyko's method of breathing reconditioning for the past 17 years, and I consistently find that it dramatically improves anxiety conditions - and usually quite quickly - as they all include degrees of hyperventilation as a major underlying factor. I've visited HK for the past 12 years, usually 4 times a year for a month - working under the auspices of Owens Trodd & Partners. My results are actually guaranteed - so for those willing to do some work, medication can certainly be safely eliminated and the condition reversed.,

(I am based in Manila/HK)

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zarafour 14 yrs ago
Meditation , Om chanting and breathing exercises. Please go to Art of Living or Brahmakumari. Group support. Hope this helps, even if late.

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portanier 13 yrs ago


Anxiety is habit, its formed by continually thinking of the worse case scenario, ie that the extreme is the norm.

This is fed by the media and confirmed by our friends and in many cases the parents in early life( fear everything)

In order for us to act differently we have to learn to think differently .

Attitude is everything.

However there are extenuating circumstances and this is a factor .

I am currently researching the efects of air pollution and stress,and its

cousin anxiety and undiagnosed hyper tension which can lead to stroke and prosopagnosia.

I devote a chapter in my book to this .

Thoughts are us, but unlike " we are what we eat..."............we have no control over about what we breathe.

There is definitely a link between air pollution and stress.

We therefore have to using the best weapon to combat the enemy at the door , apart from medication , its possible to create a habit forming positive formula to combat stress and anxiety.

Habits are formed in two months, try to avoid negative news, make a habit of walking more,HK is a place of many parks, find a place and walk each day, spend time in the park, if possible near water. At weekends go to Lamma or Lantau and walk in nature.

Do simple exercises each morning and evening , sit quietly count you breath for one minute ,listen to some quite music, eat fruit, drink water, physically relax your jaw.

Do not switch on the TV or phone ,make this a habit and do so only when you get to work.

Don't let you electronics dominate you.

Stop your brain being fed negative thoughts, work on positive thoughts.

Try and change how you think .


I hope you will accept that this is a personal view, I no longer work and have views that may be contrary to yours, accept that is is allowed.

I am not criticizing any parents we do the best we can................but more than anything we have the ability to accept changes and help our children to help them selves.

You will find within these forums some of my suggestions for further relaxing , I hope you find this of some use.

lee du ploy Hong kOng

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zarafour 13 yrs ago
Thanks portanier, amazing advise.Pls write some more, will keep us going.

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