Dental implant in Bangkok

Posted by Dendera 14 yrs ago
Hi, anyone had implant in Bkk before? There are many advertise in website like Silom n promjai, anyone try them before, appreciate your advice , thanks

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Susie1 14 yrs ago
I was seriously considering going to Bankok at one time for dental inplant. Yes they are excellent, but they quote for inpants into gums where there is enough bone, and often even the straightforward inplants require two visits there, so add on the airfare and accomodation. You won't know until they assess you whether it is a simple inplant or not. If you require bone transplant, that is done in stage one, bone and titanium put in, gums sewn up,this proceedure took 3 hours under a general anaesthetic. The stitches are removed 2 weeks later. Then you have to wait ideally 6 months for the bone to amalgamate with your own bone, after that you go back and the gum is opened up again to expose the titanium "root", and a crown can then be screwed on, and you have a tooth again. Some people even need a sinus lift to give enough support for the titanium post.

I decided in the end to have mine done here in HK, more expensive, but I am glad I did, because I got the most awfull infection afterwards, and needed 2 antibiotics at the same time for 4 weeks, if that complication had occured after visiting an overseas dentist, I would have felt too ill to fly back and get it sorted out.

Plus if you have bone transplants you need more follow up anyway-- so it is much easier as far as I was concerned to hop on a ferry to Central and walk to my dentist on Des Voeux rd.

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Dendera 14 yrs ago
Hi Susie,

Thanks for your comment.

I had visited the clinic in Des Voeux road in Feb, then my friend told me Bkk is cheaper, and I searched and contact via email.

So far Silom Dental gave me very prompt and good reply, I told them I need bone grafting and that I was told I need to pay 4 visits to Thailand to get it done.

I searched more reviews on Silom and other clinics as well, there were people not statisfied with their treatment, some were very happy.

I think it depends on what kind of dental treatment.

After reading your comment and also considering that I need to have extensive dental implant work, and in case I got any infection and need follow up, I may too ill to fly back to Bkk for follow up.

If I do in HK, in case anything happened in between, I can at anytime go back to clinic for follow up and treatment.

thanks for your comment and now I have my decision.

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AaronLuis 13 yrs ago
Hey Dendra,

Even I heard alot from people that dental implant in Bkk is very cheaper, but how was your experience with dental implants dentist. I already had dental implant in USA from And I paid here $1999 only here what about its cost in Bkk?

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