Posted by Ed 12 yrs ago
In the late 1980s I spent a year in the US as an exchange student. The exchange organisation allocated me a local support person named Emily. Emily was white and loud and the fattest person I had ever seen outside a caravan park.

She looked different from the rare very fat people I’d seen in Australia. She was very well dressed. Her husband was some kind of professional; I didn’t know they even made suits that big. Emily’s family ate like the bejesus.

Read More http://www.themonthly.com.au/issue/2013/march/1361848247/karen-hitchcock/fat-city

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2015EM 12 yrs ago
Hi! ... just want to share my recent experience.

I lose 5.5 pounds a week.

First, I drink water ... more fruits and more veggie.

I eat less meat, less rice and less pasta...

Second, I do super exercises: Zumba Fitness/Bodybalance/Cycling/BodyPump and Superstreet.

I'm super slim now. Yay! :))

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CaptDave 12 yrs ago
I visited a K mart in the USA. In addtion to S,M,L & XL they had sizes like 3X & 5X where 3X = XXXL.

very sad.

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Arkay 11 yrs ago
In America, the food industry has completely transformed what passes for "food", and with it created an epidemic of obesity, diabetes, heart attacks, cancer and other degenerative and auto-immune diseases.

Almost ALL processed foods sold in supermarkets now contain things like genetically-modified CORN and sugars. Corn is the single biggest component of the American diet today, but it comes in many not-so-obvious forms like "high fructose corn syrup", "hydrogenated (corn) oil", etc... Wheat --a genetically altered (although not technically GM) variant of dwarf wheat with serious issues for humans who consume it, makes up most of the rest. Add in sugar, and almost everything else in the typical packaged food is mere additives to change the color, texture and flavor, or to extend the shelf life by making it unattractive to any living organisms.

What is corn good for? Of course, farmers feed it to livestock to make them grow fatter, faster. Guess what? It has the same effect in humans who eat it (and the animals fed on it!). Of course, since no animals evolved to subsist on a corn diet, they also need antibiotics to keep them alive, and heck, why not add hormones to make them grow even faster? There is more to this, but I'll stop there.

Getting back to corn, it is a grain, which our caveman ancestors would only have eaten if faced with severe drought or famine. Animals that can eat grains (which are in the grass family) have four stomach sections, not just one like we have, and they regurgitate their cud to re-chew it. We need to grind it into flour and bake it, or otherwise mechanically and/or chemically process it, to make it even edible at all. Grains are NOT a natural staple food for humans, but today wheat (Genetically transformed and not even remotely resembling the original wild wheats any more!) and corn (outright genetically modified and saturated with pesticides!) make up the largest source of calories in the American diet.

Sugar makes up a huge portion of the rest of the calories consumed. Coca Cola has so much sugar (and/or high-fructose corn syrup) in it that they have to add phosphoric acid (highly corrosive to teeth and bones and a major cause of osteoporosis) to offset the sweetness. Otherwise, most people will literally choke and throw up after drinking it! And now they serve it in Super-sized portions.

It's no surprise that Americans are getting fatter and sicker at a frightening rate. It is difficult today to find REAL and healthful, natural foods in America, outside of a few (usually expensive) outlets. Worse, the processed foods are deliberately manipulated in ways that make them very addictive. People eat them to avoid the detox/withdrawal symptoms. Some of them contain natural opiates, so the withdrawal can be as bad as getting off of an addiction to morphine or even heroin.

It keeps the chemical companies and the drug companies and the whole medical complex in massive profits, which is why you see so much direct-to-consumer advertising of processed foods and drugs on American Television. It's an out-of-control monster, really, that has corrupted the agencies that were ostensibly created to control it and prevent abuse. Organizations like the FDA (along with the AMA, WHO, etc...) serve only those companies, NOT the consumers, at the expense of millions of lives ruined and cut short. It is a published and acknowledged fact that medical practice (not just malpractice!) is the largest single killer in America today. The "diabesity" epidemic generated by the food industry is just the other side of the same coin; one side feeds the other.

All of this has come about within the past fifty years, although some of the root seeds of the problem date back a little over 100 years. The problems are accelerating, and now include legal battles and even illegal harassment, to limit people's access to information and natural alternatives and cures. Most people just haven't woken up to this yet. By the time they do, it might be too late, but I hope not.

Do the research. Go online and READ about these things. LEARN for yourself. It will change how you view things, and if you take the right actions for yourself, it can free you from the horribly destructive clutches of people who would gladly ruin your health and cut short your life, in the name of profit.

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